Analisis Perubahan Makna Dalam Novel Kura-Kura Berjanggut Karya Azhari Aiyub
Semantics, Change of Meaning, NovelsAbstract
This research aims to describe the changes in meaning found in Azhari Aiyub’s Novel entitled Kura-Kura Berjanggut. This study employs a qualitative method with a descriptive approach. The source of this research data is from Azhari Aiyub’s Novel Kura-Kura Berjanggut. The data include parts of the novel that contain changes in meaning. The data are analyzed using descriptive qualitative analysis techniques. This study shows various changes in meaning found in the Novel Kura-Kura Berjanggut written Azhari Aiyub, including generalization, specialization, pejoration, and amelioration changes. Generalization changes are found in the words melecehkan (harass), hamba (slave), abdi (servant), selir-selir (concubines), menyuap (bribe), mengganas (fierce), pahlawan (hero), meniru (mimic), hampa (empty), dan musuh (enemy). Meanwhile, specialization changes can be observed in words suara lonceng (bell sound), bajingan tua (old bastard), yang mulia (your Excellency), dijual (sold), para pelawak (comedians), orang-orang liar (savages), terkutuk (cursed), memburu (hunt), cadar (burqa), dan menyusut (shrink). Furthermore, amelioration changes are found in words baku hantam (fight), menonjok (punch), mencaci maki (berate), lenyap tanpa bekas dari dunia (vanished from the world), seorang durjana (a wicked), penggulingan kekuasaan (overthrow of power), menghalau (dispel), keculasan (laziness), menyikut (elbow), pongah (arrogant), ekspedisi (expedition), benalu (parasite), dan pembangkang (a disobedient). Finally, pejoration changes are found in words lumpuh (paralysed), babi sisir (pig), anak haram (illegitimate child), pejabat rendahan (low rank officials), mampus (dead), dungu (stupid), pencabulan (molestation), membantai (slaughter), bunting (pregnant), mengkhianati (betray), boyak (crushed), meluluhlantakkan (destroy), merampas (rob), membaiat (pledge allegiance, menguntit (stalk), pendaran (luminescence), and muak (fed up).
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