Education Achievement: Journal of Science and Research <p style="direction: ltr;">Education Achievement: Journal of Science and Research is published three times a year, in October, February, and June. It is a journal in the field of Education, encompassing textual and field studies from various perspectives, Educational Management, Educational Policy, Educational Technology, Educational Psychology, Curriculum Development, and Learning Strategies, as well as contemporary research findings in the field of Education.</p> en-US (Pusdikra Team) (Muhammad Fuad Zaini, M. Pd) Fri, 26 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 The Effect of Using Read Cover Remember Retell (RCRR) Strategy Towards Students’ Reading Comprehension on Narrative Text in UPT SMP Negeri 1 Padang Gelugur <table width="567"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="435"> <p>This research was aimed at finding out the effect of using (RCRR) strategy towards student’s reading comprehension on narrative text at the ninth&nbsp; grade of UPT SMP Negri 1 Padang Gelugur. The rationality of this research was based on the students’ problems in reading comprehension. Firstly, the students’ achievements on reading comprehension narrative text was still low. Secondly, the strategy taken by the teacher in class was monotonous. Thirdly, the srtudents had difficulties on comprehending the detailed information on narrative text. This research employed quantitative method. In this research, the researcher used purposive sampling. The population of this research was the IX grade students at UPT SMP Negeri 1 Padang Gelugur. The research instrument of this research was reading test, which were tested for pre-test and post-test session. In this research, the researcher used descriptive and inferential statistic to analyzed the data. The result of the research indicated that was significant effect of using RCRR strategy towards students’ redading comprehension. It can be seen from p-value which was smaller than the alpha value(0,000&lt;0,05). It is concluded that, using RCRR strategy gave significant effect towards students’ reading comprehension on narrative text.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> Nurhalimatussakdiah Nurhalimatussakdiah, Irwandi Irwandi, Syahrul Syahrul, Widya Syafitri Copyright (c) 2024 Education Achievement: Journal of Science and Research Sat, 04 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Effect of Discovery Learning Method Towards Students’ Reading Comprehension on Analytical Exposition Text in SMA N 1 Payung Sekaki <p>This research was aimed at finding out the effect of using discovery learning method toward student’s reading comprehension on analytical exposition text in SMA N 1 Payung Sekaki. The rationality of this research was based on the student’s problems in reading comprehension when learning English. First, Students have difficulties in comprehending analytical exposition text. Second, students do not understand the material analytical exposition text. Third, students have lack of motivation in learning This research employed quantitative method. In this research, the researcher used quasi-experimental research design by comparing two classes. The sample of this research was the 11<sup>th</sup> grade students at SMA 1 Payung Sekaki. The research instrument of this research was reading test, which were tested for pre-test and post-test. The data was analyzed by using SPSS 22.&nbsp; The result of the research indicated that there was significant effect of students reading comprehension between the students who were taught by using discovery learning method and without using discovery learning method. It can be seen from the calculation of the data in one sample t test and paired sample t-test it showed the significance of 2-Tailed was 0,000 &lt; 0,05 so that Ha was accepted and Ho was rejected. It can be concluded, there is significant effect of using discovery learning method.</p> Shinta Liberta, Irwandi Irwandi, Eliza Eliza, Merry Prima Dewi Copyright (c) 2024 Education Achievement: Journal of Science and Research Sat, 04 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Title of the Growth of New Dynasties in Spain Maghrib and Iran <p>This research aims to examine the birth and development of new dynasties in the regions of the Spanish Maghrib and Iran after the collapse of major powers such as the Umayyad Caliphate in Spain and the Abbasid Caliphate in Iran. Employing a literature research approach, this study traces the background of the emergence, expansion processes, consolidation of power, as well as the contributions of these dynasties to the intellectual and cultural development in the regions they ruled. In the Spanish Maghrib, the Almoravid and Almohad Dynasties emerged as new powers after the fall of the Umayyad Caliphate. Both dynasties succeeded in uniting the regions of Spain and the Maghrib, albeit with different methods and ideologies. Meanwhile, in Iran, the Ilkhanid, Jalayirid, Timurid, and Safavid Dynasties rose after the collapse of the Abbasid Caliphate, each exerting significant influence and contributions to the political, cultural, artistic, and scientific development. The research findings indicate that the birth and development of these new dynasties not only brought about political changes but also contributed significantly to intellectual and cultural advancements in both regions. The periods under their rule are known as golden ages in the fields of art, architecture, literature, mathematics, astronomy, philosophy, and other sciences. These dynasties fostered the exchange of ideas among various ethnic and religious groups and created a conducive environment for the growth of knowledge and creativity. Overall, this study highlights the importance of the new dynasties in the dynamics of history and civilization, as well as their contributions in shaping new political landscapes and catalyzing the growth of rich knowledge, art, and culture.</p> Suci Kirani Adhistia, Ellya Roza, Perisi Nopel Copyright (c) 2024 Education Achievement: Journal of Science and Research Wed, 08 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Absolutism of The Caliphate During the Abbasid Dynasty <p>The Abbasid Dynasty was the second Caliphate to rule Baghdad for more than five centuries (132H/750 AD to 656H/1258 AD) after conquering the Umayyad Caliphate against the background of the Umayyad Dynasty's oppression of the Abbasid Dynasty. During the five centuries of rule the Abbasid Caliphate reached its heyday in the field of science, both general science and religion. The Abbasid system of government refers to four aspects. In the first and third periods of Abbasid rule, Persian culture was greatly influenced and in this period more emphasis was placed on the cultivation of Islamic civilization and culture than territorial expansion. In the second and fourth periods influenced by Turkish culture which was very dominant in politics and government. While the fifth period was marked by the entry of the Seljuks into Baghdad until the fall of Baghdad to the Mongols. Each dynasty had its own style of leadership as well as the Abbasid Dynasty which applied absolutism in its leadership. Where the Caliph has authority over matters related to the state and religion. The caliph has unlimited authority and can only be replaced when the caliph dies.</p> Wina Arsita, Ellya Roza, Perisi Nopel Copyright (c) 2024 Education Achievement: Journal of Science and Research Sun, 12 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Effect of Using Guessing Game on Students Vocabulary Achievement at Grade VIII of MTSN 6 Agam <table width="567"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="435"> <p>Vocabulary is a component of words with meaning and one of the most essential aspects of learning English. However, pupils are not taught vocabulary specifically in school. This results in a large number of students who lack fundamental vocabulary knowledge, despite the fact that vocabulary is one of the most essential components that students must comprehend in order to learn effectively in class. The purpose of this study was to determine whether the use of a guessing game has a significant impact on students' vocabulary achievement. This research employed a quantitative method and a quasi-experimental design; the research population was eighth-grade MTsN 6 Agam students. The sample was collected using a technique of purposive sampling. Students from the two classes, experimental class with 30 students and control class with 31 students, were given a pre- and post-test. This research instrument is a vocabulary test with 25 multiple-choice questions. The data were analyzed with SPSS 26. The calculated post-test result for the experimental class revealed a mean score of 89.47. It exceeds the mean score of the control group, which was 62.58. The standard deviation of each class is then calculated. Using Independent sample t-test, the researcher compared post-test experimental class and control class using the t-test formula. The output indicates that the value of Sig. (2-tailed) is 0.00 0.05. It indicates that Ha is acceptable. There is a substantial difference between students who are taught using Guessing game and those who are not. The result is also indicated by the fact that the mean post-test score of the experimental group (89.47) is higher than that of the control group (62.28). It indicates that students who are taught with Guessing game are superior to those who are not. Guessing game has a significant impact on the vocabulary attainment of eighth-grade MTsN 6 Agam students.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> Anisa Ananda, Hilma Pami Putri, Genta Sakti, Loli Safitri Copyright (c) 2024 Education Achievement: Journal of Science and Research Sun, 12 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Analysis of Think Pair Share Implementation on Students’ Communication Skills at The Second Grade of Pondok Pesantren Ashhabul Yamin Lasi <p>This study aims to evaluate the application of the Think-Pair-Share model in improving students' communication skills at Pondok Pesantren Ashaabul Yamin. Although many schools apply this model, this study found some errors in its application in the school. One of them is that the teacher did not follow the correct sequence and did not have a significant impact on students' communication skills. The study used a qualitative descriptive method with the participation of 1 teacher and 31 students. Data was collected through observation with 11 activities that reflect the application of Think-Pair-Share to students' communication skills. The results showed that although the lesson plan described the application of Think-Pair-Share as a learning model, the teacher did not follow the plan. In addition, the teacher also did not adhere to the correct indicators, as seen from the observation data. However, at the sharing stage, the teacher succeeded in improving students' communication skills, especially when students shared the results of their group discussions in front of the class.</p> Chelsy Hanna Primadona, Hilma Pami Putri, Irwandi Irwandi, Loli Safitri Copyright (c) 2024 Education Achievement: Journal of Science and Research Mon, 13 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Students Reading Achievement Based on Their Intelligence Quotient (IQ): A Case Study <p>This research was conducted to determine the factors that caused some students to have high IQ but low English reading achievement and vice versa. The research aimed to find out what factors caused students to have high intellectual intelligence but low reading achievement and vice versa. This type of research was a qualitative method with a case study research design. Participants in this research were grade VIII students at SMPN 4 Bukittinggi, and using purposive sampling techniques, the researchers selected 9 participants for this research. The instruments used in this research were interviews and observations checklist of students. The results of the analysis showed that there were two factors that caused students to have high IQ but low English reading achievement and vice versa. This could be seen from the results of interviews and observation checklists with students, namely internal factors are physiological, intelligence, talents, interests, student activity during the learning process, and also external factors, namely the role of parents, teachers, learning media, infrastructure, curriculum, school time, and mass media. It can be concluded that the factors causing students to have high IQ but low achievement in learning English and vice versa were internal and external factors, and were also supported by aspects of student activity in the English learning process.</p> Aufa Rahmah, Absharini Kardena, Irwandi Irwandi, Elsi Amiza Copyright (c) 2024 Education Achievement: Journal of Science and Research Mon, 13 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Roles and Responsibilities of Parents towards Children's Education in Islamic Perspective <p>The family is the first educational institution that helps foster creativity in children. The purpose of writing this article is to describe the roles and responsibilities of parents towards children's education in an Islamic perspective. The research method used is library research. In Islam, the future of children is determined in the family education system. The role of parents is very important in giving birth to children who become a generation of rabbani who have faith, piety and good deeds for their survival in this world and in the hereafter. The Qur'an mentions the qualities that must be possessed by parents as educators, the first and foremost of which is divinity and knowledge of God who will later have wisdom (benefit) or understanding of the truth found through reason and knowledge so as to express gratitude to God, love to give advice to their children about God, do not associate partners with God, order their children to pray, and teach them to be patient when facing difficulties.</p> Intan Indah Maharany, Devid Saputra, Evi Febriani, Muhamad Kumaidi Copyright (c) 2024 Education Achievement: Journal of Science and Research Tue, 14 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Effect of Using Two Stay Two Stray Technique on Students Writing Skill of Recount Text at Eighth Grade SMPN 37 Medan <p>This research aimed to find out the effect on students' writing skills by using Two Stay- Two Stray Technique. The research design of this study was experimental quantitative. The eight grade students in Smpn 37 Medan were chosen as the sample of this study with a total number of 46 students. The experimental and control classes employed pre-tests and post-tests. These tests proved in the form of writing test. The data on the tests were calculated by using the t-test formula. The result showed that the post-test score was higher than the pre-test. The finding showed that there was an effect significantly on the students’ writing skills after treatment. There was enchantment of the student's number score. The mean score of the experimental class range from the pre-test was 58,5 and the post-test 79,5 and for the control class the mean score pre-test was 59,2 and from the post-test was 71,6. Thus Two Stay Two Stray Technique could be used as one of the alternatives to teaching writing recount text for Eight Grade of SMPN 37 Medan.</p> Calonroiboto Hutauruk, Carolina Pakpahan, Febrika Dwi Lestrai Lumban Toruan Copyright (c) 2024 Education Achievement: Journal of Science and Research Wed, 15 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 An Analysis of Classroom Management and Manner Used by English Teacher at Seventh Grade of MTsN 3 Lima Puluh Kota <p>Classroom management is multifaceted and is the concept of everything in the classroom. Classroom&nbsp; management is an action used by teachers to create an effective and good cooperation in interaction. Classroom management is also defined as the teacher's effort to form an effective environment for learning and teaching, while manner is the teacher ways treat their students in class.. This study focuses on classroom management and manner used by English teachers in seventh grade MTsN 3 Lima Puluh Kota. Therefore, this study is intended&nbsp; describe classroom management and manner used by teachers in teaching English. The researchers using descriptive qualitative with observation and interview as the instrument. Researchers examined two teachers who taught English in the seventh grade of MTsN 3 Lima Puluh Kota. Researchers describe the process of teachers managing classes and the manner of teachers in teaching. Researchers concluded that classroom management and teacher manner are quite good and use existing components in classroom management and manner, although there are some components that are not always implemented by teachers every time they teach in class.</p> Siti Nurliza, Loli Safitri, Eliza Eliza, Hilma Pami Putri Copyright (c) 2024 Education Achievement: Journal of Science and Research Tue, 21 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Comparative Study of Students Learning Styles Towards Their Ability in Grammar <p>This research was purposed to discover students’ learning style and the differences of students’ grammar ability among the visual, auditory and kinesthetic learning style. The research followed comparative quantitative design. The participants of the research were 83 students of the sixth semester of English education department of State Islamic University of Sjech M. Djamil Djambek Bukittinggi. Data were collected by using questionnaire and documentation. Data analysis was conducted using descriptive statistical analysis of SPSS program after scoring the respondents’ questionnaire response by <em>Likert</em> scale point and calculating students’ final score of grammar subject. The results revealed the dominant style that students have are visual, auditory and kinesthetic learning style and visual style as the majority. The compared students’ grammar final score exhibited differences of students’ grammar ability. Students with kinesthetic learning style obtained the highest score (88,72) and also the lowest score (66) than visual and auditory learning style. The highest mean score was obtained by auditory learning style (82,33). In conclusion, students’ grammar ability was significantly different among the students with visual, auditory and kinesthetic learning style.</p> Sukra Titin Sholeha, Hilma Pami Putri, Syahrul Syahrul, Loli Safitri Copyright (c) 2024 Education Achievement: Journal of Science and Research Tue, 21 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Using Role Play Technique to Improve Students Speaking Skill at the Eighth Grade of SMPN 7 Bukittinggi <p>The purpose of this research was to to know whether using the role play technique can improve the students’ speaking skill. The researcher had done in SMPN 7 Bukittinggi at VIII.7 class. The problems in this research was caused by several factors. The first problem, most of the students were still awkard in speaking, the only spoke when the teacher asked them. The second problem, the lack of opportunities for students to speak when learning English in the class. The third problem, the students were less excited or less encouraged enough to participated in the speaking learned process. To obtain the research data the writer conducted the observation and test. It was found that there was a significant effect of using role play technique toward students speaking skill. It is proven that role play techniques can improve students' speaking skills. Where student scores increased further from cycle 1 to cycle 2. From the prelimenery research it can be seen that the average student score is 60,00. After carrying out actions in cycle 1 the average value increased, namely 72.25 and in cycle 2 it increased again to 91,00. It can be concluded that all the students enjoy with the role play technique. Moreover, they admitted that their speaking skill improve.</p> Precelia Gita Mulyo, Veni Roza, Melyann Melani, Reflinda Reflinda Copyright (c) 2024 Education Achievement: Journal of Science and Research Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Strategy for Implementing Learning Program Evaluation in Improving the Quality of Student Learning at Nurul Fadhilah Islamic Boarding School <p>Learning media is one of the important components in learning activities. Learning media should be a part that must be obtained. The teacher's attention is focused on each learning activity. Therefore, teachers need to learn how to organize media. Learn to be effective and learn how to teach while achieving learning objectives. The research method used in this study is to use qualitative research methods by directly observing and interviewing the leadership. The place of this research is in Nurul Fadhilah Islamic Boarding School. To support learning success, evaluation should continue to be carried out and learning media are available. Because, with the availability of educational media, students may think more concretely and this means that they can reduce verbalism in students.</p> Tamimi Mujahid, Adila Aisyahrani, Inom Nasution, Ayu Putri Julia, Siti Syevila, Nurul Anjani Daulay, Hafiz Yusuf Copyright (c) 2024 Education Achievement: Journal of Science and Research Fri, 31 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Evaluation of the Educational Programme of Character in the School of SD IT Ummi Aisyah <p>Program evaluation is an assessment of the results of efforts to address and solve problems used in policies and programmes. Implementation Character Education aims to improve the quality of education leading to the process of achieving the formation of the character of the student in an integral, integrated, and balanced manner, according to the standards of competence of graduates. Character education evaluation is aimed at the cultivation of values within students and the renewal of a common lifestyle that appreciates individual freedom.&nbsp; This research aims to find out the evaluation of character education programmes at SD IT Ummi Aisyah.&nbsp; This research uses descriptive research methods with a qualitative approach. Evaluation of character education programmes is carried out to provide reinforcement, improvement and measure the successful implementation of the character education programme implemented by the educational organizers.</p> Siti Hanifa Hanum, Inom Nasution, Nadia Sabrina Siregar, Fina Safitri Nasution, Salsabila Yasmin, Denny Fitriani Hasibuan, Faradillah Amelia, Fadhil Ahmad Zaki Copyright (c) 2024 Education Achievement: Journal of Science and Research Fri, 31 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Impact of Digital Literacy on Indonesian Language Development <table width="567"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="435"> <p>This study aims to explore the impact of digital literacy on Indonesian language development. Digital literacy is becoming increasingly important in the current digital era, with its widespread influence on various aspects of life including language. This research uses a qualitative research method with a descriptive approach to explain in depth and comprehensively about the influence of digital literacy on Indonesian language development. The descriptive method allows researchers to collect and analyze data in the form of words, pictures, and information from books, journals, and other relevant scientific works. This is in line with the research objective to gain an in-depth understanding of how digital literacy affects the use and development of Indonesians in various contexts. The results of this study show that the prospects and implications of digital literacy in the development of Indonesia, confirm the importance of using information and communication technology (ICT) to improve language skills. Digital literacy provides quick and broad access to various sources of information and learning materials in Indonesian, enabling users to create and share creative content on various digital platforms. In addition, digital literacy supports collaboration and social interaction, enables more innovative teaching methods, and increases awareness and appreciation of the Indonesian language.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> Hera Chairunisa, Hikmah Sakinah Hasibuan Copyright (c) 2024 Education Achievement: Journal of Science and Research Fri, 31 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Analysis of Reading and Writing Skills on the Ability to Solve Math Story Problems of Junior High School Students in Saribudolok <p>This study aims to analyze the relationship between reading and writing skills and students' ability to solve mathematical problems in the form of stories. The research participants consisted of six ninth grade junior high school students who were grouped based on their average daily math test scores, referring to the Minimum Completion Criteria (KKM). The research method applied was qualitative description. The data sources included test results, observations and interviews. The mathematical literacy test consisted of six questions that followed the PISA mathematical literacy indicators. The test results showed variations in students' ability to solve math problems, especially chance problems. Most students were able to solve routine problems (level 1), interpret problems (level 2), and use problem solving strategies (level 3). However, they face difficulties in problems that require the integration of different representations with concrete situations (level 4). An analysis of the test results showed that the group of students with higher score categories tended to be better at answering the questions. These results show the importance of reading and writing skills in improving students' ability to understand and solve math story problems.</p> Fernando Purba, Harry Marcel Wahyu Sihotang, Mentari Sukma, Nafa Cleo Wulandari Tarigan, Siti Sarah, Thresia Veronika Sihombing, Tri Indah Prasasti Copyright (c) 2024 Education Achievement: Journal of Science and Research Fri, 31 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Students Reading Interest at the Elementary Education Level: the Implementation of the School Literacy Movement in Banda Aceh <p>The objective of this study is to describe the reading interest of students at the elementary education level in the implementation of the School Literacy Movement in Banda Aceh. A quantitative approach with a descriptive type was utilized. The population of this study comprises all students from MTsS Ulumul Qur'an, SMP Islam Al-Azhar Cairo Banda Aceh, and MTsN Model Banda Aceh, with a sample of 30 students, 10 students from each school. Data analysis techniques involved the use of questionnaires and descriptive statistics. The results of this study indicate that the reading interest of students at the elementary education level in the implementation of the School Literacy Movement in Banda Aceh is very good, with average reading interest scores of 79.88 for MTsS Ulumul Qur'an, 78.75 for SMP Islam Al-Azhar Cairo Banda Aceh, and 77.25 for MTsN Model Banda Aceh, all of which fall into the very good category. This high level of reading interest is supported by various literacy programs, including a 15-minute reading program, classroom library programs, best literacy class programs, library visit programs, and literacy hunting programs.</p> Desy Alfiah Na'im, Ramli Ramli, Mohd. Harun Copyright (c) 2024 Education Achievement: Journal of Science and Research Sat, 01 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Independent Curriculum In Improving The Quality Of Education <p><strong>ABSTRACT</strong></p> <p>Education is an important element in building a developed and prosperous nation. The quality of education is the main key in producing the next generation who are superior and able to compete in the era of globalization. The curriculum as the spirit of education plays a crucial role in determining the direction and goals of learning. The Merdeka Curriculum is present as a new breakthrough in the Indonesian education system, with a focus on developing student character and competency that is more flexible and student-centered. The Merdeka Curriculum has become the main focus in discussing the quality of education in Indonesia. This article discusses the role and impact of implementing the Independent Curriculum in improving the quality of education. With a more flexible and competency-based approach, the Merdeka Curriculum aims to strengthen students' skills according to the needs of the times. An in-depth analysis was carried out to evaluate the extent to which the Merdeka Curriculum has succeeded in stimulating student creativity, innovation and independent learning. The research results show that the Merdeka Curriculum encourages the creation of a more dynamic and inclusive learning environment.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: Independent Curriculum, Improving the Quality of Education.</p> Putri Anggini, Husna Husna, Naila Faizah S Rambe, Azwa Khalisa Nasution, Inayah Hanum Lubis, Safinatul Hasanah Harahap Copyright (c) 2024 Education Achievement: Journal of Science and Research Tue, 04 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Analysis of the Implementation of Gerakan Ayo Sekolah Movement in Improving the Human Development Index in Ketapang District <table width="567"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="435"> <p>The research analyzes the implementation of Gerakan Ayo Sekolah (GAS) Program in dealing with Out-of-school children (ATS) and Out of School Adults (DTS) in Ketapang Regency. Carried out in four sub-districts, namely Matan Hilir Utara, Muara Pawan, Delta Pawan, and Benua Kayong. This research method uses qualitative research, the results of the analysis show an average of strengths and weaknesses of 3.2, and opportunities and threats of 3. IFAS (Internal Factor Analysis Summary) value is 2.81 and EFAS (External Factor Analysis Summary) is 2.79 placing GAS (Gerakan Ayo Sekolah) in a position of growth. Data shows an increase in the HDI (Human Development Index) from 67.92% (2021) to 68.68% (2023), associated with an increase in the average length of schooling through GAS (Gerakan Ayo Sekolah). A total of 54 individuals returned to school, both formal and non-formal. SWOT analysis integrates internal and external factors towards the implementation of GAS (Gerakan Ayo Sekolah). Matrix IE (Internal External) shows the growth potential of GAS (Gerakan Ayo Sekolah) in increasing the HDI (Human Development Index), with the intersection point in quadrant V, indicating the potential of GAS (Gerakan Ayo Sekolah) in increasing the HDI (Human Development Index) through efforts to overcome dropping out of school and preventing vulnerable children from dropping out of school.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> Heri Jatmiko, Nuraini Asriati, Syamsuri Syamsuri, Maria Ulfa, Achmadi Achmadi Copyright (c) 2024 Education Achievement: Journal of Science and Research Sun, 09 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Effectiveness of Critical Literacy Based Digital Learning Material (CL-DLM) to Increase Students’ Higher Order Thinking Skills at Elementary School <table width="567"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="435"> <p>This research aimed to develop Thematic critical literacy based digital teacing materials (TCL-DLM) to increase students’ higher order thinking skills at elementary school. This research is a research development with a 4-D model (define, design, develop, and dissemination). Data collection techniques were carried out through teaching material validation sheets, teacher response questionnaires, student response questionnaires, learning implementation observation sheets and tests of higher order thinking skills. The data obtained were analyzed descriptive quantitative. The results of the study show that: 1) The results of the needs analysis are that thematic learning is still limited to the use of teaching materials in the form of theme books and electronic books that have been prepared by the government so that it is necessary to develop practical and effective teaching materials. The students’ higher order thinking skills based on pretest dominated in medium category (51.85%). 2) The development of these teaching materials uses the Four-D teaching material development procedure from Thiagarajan which consists of the defining, designing, developing, and disseminating stages, 3) Thematic critical literacy based digital learning material (TCL-DLM) have met the validity criteria, because the results of validation from material experts and the learning design of teaching materials is in the very valid category (M = 3,82), 4) Thematic critical literacy based digital learning material (TCL-DLM) is in the effective category because there is an increase in the results of tests of higher-order thinking skills after the application of Thematic critical literacy based digital learning material (TCL-DLM) in class VI students of SD Telkom Makassar. Postest category dominated in very good category (81.48%). In addition, teachers and students expressed a positive response. 5) Thematic critical literacy based digital learning material (TCL-DLM) is also in the practical category because it has been well implemented which includes the criteria of ease of use, time efficiency and very practical benefits. The recommendation of this research is Thematic critical literacy based digital learning material (TCL-DLM), needs more developed both in terms of material and features of digital teaching materials and more interesting so students' higher-order thinking skills can be better.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> Nurhaedah Nurhaedah Copyright (c) 2024 Education Achievement: Journal of Science and Research Sun, 09 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Interpersonal Communication Management Between School Principals and Teachers in Fostering Discipline at MTs Darussa’adah Islamic Boarding School <p>Social relationships are desired if someone feels that their self-esteem or sense of security will increase, and this relationship will be realized by carrying out harmonious communication. Interpersonal communication is a communication process that is considered the most effective and the process can be done in a very simple way. Apart from being an important element, interpersonal communication is a "bridge" in establishing social relationships between people. Apart from being effective, interpersonal communication is a communication process that is considered important and a necessity for every person, both in formal and non-formal organizations. Therefore, it is important for everyone to have communication skills, without being limited by position, social status or stratification in social life. This research uses qualitative research, with descriptive qualitative research type. The research subjects were madrasah principals and Darussa'adah Darussa'adah teachers. Data collection techniques using interviews, observation and documentation. The research results aim to find out the obstacles that teachers findDarussa'adah Darussa'adahin increasing student learning motivation in the new normal era. The research results aim to determine the planning, organization and implementation of interpersonal communication between madrasa heads and teachers in fostering teacher discipline at Darussa'adah Darussa'adah. The results of this research show that the interpersonal communication management of madrasah heads and teachers in fostering discipline, namely</p> Novita Sari, Syarifah Hidayani, Ahmad Zaki Copyright (c) 2024 Education Achievement: Journal of Science and Research Sat, 01 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Correlation Betweent Students Motivationand Their Achievement Score in Learning English at 11th grade of Ashhabul Yamin Islamic Boarding School <p>Most of the problems that arise indicate lack of motivation of grade 1 students of the Ashhabul Yamin Islamic boarding school.For example, most students are not interested in learning English, less motivational words from the teacher.Many students do not complete their homework at home and also many students think English is a difficult subject because they don't have anyone to support them directly including their classmates. This study aims to determine whether there is a relationship between student motivation and student academic achievement in learning English. This research is a correlational research. Total population is 44 students, the sample is 26 students. Researchers used purposive sampling on determine the sample in this study. To collect data, researchers use questionnaire and documentation. To analyze the data collected, researchers useSpearman's Rating Correlation Coefficient (and to test the hypothesis,the researcher uses the t-test formula and consults the results into the t-table with = 0.05. The finding of the research revealed that the coefficient of correlation ( was -0.115. It means, there is no correlation between extrinsic motivation and students’ academic achievement in studying English. In the other words, based on hypothesis testing, the t- score was -0.114 whereas t-table on = 0,05 was 0.404. It means, the tscore was smaller than the t-table. Hence, Ha rejected and Ho accepted, which stated that there is no significant correlation between students motivation and students’ achievement in studying English.</p> Febi Angeliani, Genta Sakti, Eliza Eliza, Syahrul Syahrul Copyright (c) 2024 Education Achievement: Journal of Science and Research Sun, 16 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Effect of Using Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR) Toward Students Reading Comprehension at Eleventh Grade of SMA Negeri 1 Banuhampu <p>This research aims to explain the effect of using Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR) on students' reading comprehension in the eleventh grade of SMA Negeri 1 Banuhampu. To explain the effect, researchers used experimental research with a quasi-design. The location of this research was taken in class XI of SMA Negeri 1 Banuhampu with a sample size of 70 students. Based on this text, researchers found a significant effect of using Collaborative Strategic Reading on students' reading comprehension, with results of Sig. (2-tailed) is 0.000 &lt; ½ ? (0.025). It can be concluded that there is an influence produced by the use of CSR in reading comprehension. This research also looks at the difference in average scores in the post-test results of the two classes, where the experimental class score is higher than the control class with a score of 72.31 &gt; 68.53 with a comparison score of 3.78. It can be ascertained that the research conducted by researchers produced results in seeing differences in the use of Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR) on students' reading comprehension.</p> Wanda Azizah, Elsi Amiza, Merry Prima Dewi, Syahrul Syahrul Copyright (c) 2024 Education Achievement: Journal of Science and Research Sun, 16 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Human Resources Management Improving the Quality of School Education <p>This article aims to evaluate the effectiveness of human resource management (HR) in improving the quality of education in schools. Through a comprehensive approach, this article will analyze various aspects of human resource management in schools, including planning, development and evaluation of the performance of teaching and education staff. Furthermore, the impact of HRM on improving the quality of learning processes and outcomes in schools will be studied in depth. The resulting findings and recommendations are expected to provide insight for stakeholders in efforts to improve the effectiveness of HRM and the quality of education in schools.</p> Indra Wahyudi Z, Inom Nasution, Lia Sumayyah, Salwa Salsabila, Melin Andila, Aisyah Oktavian, Mustofa Siregar Copyright (c) 2024 Education Achievement: Journal of Science and Research Sun, 16 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Influence of Teachers' Educational Background on Interest in Learning Social Science <p>This research aims to examine the influence of teacher educational background on students' interest in learning Social Sciences (IPS) based on a literature review. This literature study collects and analyzes various relevant journals to understand how teacher education and training can influence students' motivation and interest in learning in social studies subjects. Literature analysis shows that teachers with higher educational qualifications and adequate professional training tend to be able to create a more effective and interesting learning atmosphere, thereby increasing students' interest in learning. This research found that factors such as teacher education level, teaching experience, and participation in professional development programs have a significant effect on students' interest in learning. This study also identified that innovative and interactive teaching methods applied by highly educated teachers can motivate students to be more active in learning social studies. Recommendations from this study emphasize the importance of improving qualifications and continuous training for teachers to improve the quality of education and students' interest in learning. This research makes an important contribution to the field of education by providing insight into how a teacher's educational background can influence students' learning interest in social studies subjects.</p> Ganda Marito Harahap, Diana Eka Pratiwi, Fadhilah Yunus, Aroiz Azhari Rambe, Rizki Fahmi, Eka Yusnaldi Copyright (c) 2024 Education Achievement: Journal of Science and Research Sun, 16 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Essence of Education <p>Education is a complex and integral process in the formation of individuals and society. This research aims to explore the nature of education as a phenomenon that goes beyond the mere transfer of knowledge and skills, but also involves aspects such as character formation, development of critical abilities, and preparation for life in society. Through a comprehensive literature review, this research investigates various perspectives and concepts about the nature of education that have been proposed by leading educational experts and thinkers. The results of the analysis highlight the importance of education as a tool to facilitate the holistic growth of individuals, promote social inclusion, and build the foundation for sustainable development. These findings make an important contribution to our understanding of the important role of education in shaping a better future for society as a whole.</p> Sriatun Sriatun, Sugiono Sugiono, Nanda Bella Kurniasih, Hendrizal Hendrizal Copyright (c) 2024 Education Achievement: Journal of Science and Research Sun, 16 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Benefits of a Culture of Providing Rewards and Appreciations to Organization Members to Improve Performance <p>Culture is a set of values, beliefs, and attitudes that guide an organization's strategic goals and objectives directions. Rewards are bonuses or appreciation given to organizational members for their consistency and good performance. Of course, this encourages the involvement of organizational members and teaches organizational values ??which can result in higher growth. The research method used in this research is the library research method by concluding previous research or literature review. The purpose of this research is to determine the benefits of providing rewards for the performance of organizational members. Organizational culture is the basis or basis for the similarity of opinions and beliefs as well as practical values ??for all members of the organization. Rewards can also be said to be a culture in an organization, where they can attract employees' attention and provide information or remind them of the importance of the thing being rewarded compared to others.</p> Yusuf Hadijaya, Tamimi Mujahid, Lilis Astika, Rifda Ramadina Copyright (c) 2024 Education Achievement: Journal of Science and Research Sun, 16 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Relationship Between Social Sciences and Social Sciences: Resources and Energy <p>The aim of this research is to find out the relationship between social sciences and social sciences and society. Social sciences can play an important role in social education, because they provide the opportunity to understand relationships between humans more systematically and be able to apply them in everyday life. Social education is broader than social science and is not limited to one area of the curriculum, or to education within schools. The social sciences that have made many contributions to Social Sciences are Geography, History and Pancasila Moral Education. Besides that, a lot of material is needed from Anthropology, Sociology, Political Science, Economics, Psychology, Philosophy and sometimes even Natural Science<strong>.</strong></p> Eka Yusnaldi, Dwi Retno Anjani, Asyura Asyura, Jihan Ramadhani Faizera, Yulinda Ritonga, Viola Putri Copyright (c) 2024 Education Achievement: Journal of Science and Research Mon, 17 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Analysis of Aggressive Behavior in Early Children <p>The teacher's strategy in this research is the effort made by the teacher to achieve the goal of fostering and handling aggressive behavior in early childhood which is a problem in the learning process at school. Aggressive behavior in this research is the child's attitudes, actions and words when the child interacts with other people which shows anger and emotional outbursts as well as harsh words such as scolding and shouting at other people expressed by the child which can disrupt the learning process at school. The aim of this research is to determine teachers' strategies for dealing with aggressive behavior in early childhood. This research is qualitative research with the nature of a case study and is described descriptively. Data collection techniques in this research are observation, interviews and documentation. The data analysis technique in this research uses a model, namely data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The results of this research are about the teacher's strategy in dealing with children's aggressive behavior, namely the teacher embracing the child when the child takes action. aggressive, persuade teachers and give good advice to children, teachers must also be gentle in dealing with children who behave aggressively. Based on this research case study, it is known that the strategies implemented by the teacher can reduce children's aggressive behavior well using the Book Antiqua font size.</p> Siti Erlina Sari, Masganti Sit Copyright (c) 2024 Education Achievement: Journal of Science and Research Mon, 17 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Significance of Islamic Religious Education Learning in Fostering Student Character <p>Islamic Religious Education (PAI) learning has a very important role in fostering student character at school. This article examines how PAI learning can contribute to students' character building through curriculum approaches, teaching methods, and social interactions in the school environment. Using qualitative methods and literature analysis, this study found that effective PAI learning can shape students' moral, ethical, and spiritual character, as well as increase their awareness of positive religious values. Islamic Religious Education learning has great significance in fostering student character. Through a structured curriculum, appropriate teaching methods, and positive social interactions, Islamic Education can shape students with good character in accordance with Islamic teachings. Cooperation between teachers, parents, and schools is needed to optimize Islamic Education learning and support students' character development.</p> Nur Laili Copyright (c) 2024 Education Achievement: Journal of Science and Research Mon, 17 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Effect of Providing Creative Dance Education on Early Childhood Self-Confidence at TK/Mother's Daycare Center <p>This qualitative study investigates how teaching creative dance impacts children's self-confidence at Ibunda Kindergarten. The phenomenological method was used in this study to understand children's perceptions and experiences during the creative dance program. Participatory observation, in-depth interviews and document analysis were the methods used to collect data. The study involved 15 early childhood children from Ibunda Kindergarten. The results showed that teaching children creative dance increased their own self-confidence. Creation dance teaches social skills, working together in a group, and self-expression. They also showed increased initiative and independence. The findings confirm that arts education is an important component of the early childhood education curriculum as it can help with psychosocial development.</p> Kartika Tri Amalia, Ramita Ramita, Shofiyatul Af-Idah, Mayang Sari Sitorus, Hilda Zahra Lubis Copyright (c) 2024 Education Achievement: Journal of Science and Research Tue, 25 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Implementation of the Project-Based Learning (PjBL) Learning Model in Observing Learning Styles and Improving Product Results in Biology Learning at SMAS Sultan Iskandar Muda Medan <p>The research was motivated by the problem of student learning styles in group learning and product targets in making project assignments. The aim of this research is to find solutions that can be used to solve problems at SMAS Sultan Iskandar Muda Medan School through Project Based Learning (PjBL). The research method used is quantitative descriptive. The subjects in this research were students of SMAS Sultan Iskandar Muda Medan. This research uses surveys and literature to collect data. Research findings show that the use of the PjBL model can improve students' collaboration abilities in group learning. Students and teachers can utilize available resources to ensure that the tools and materials used by students are accessible. The conclusion of this research is that the PjBL learning model can be an effective solution in overcoming student learning style problems and optimizing product targets in working on project assignments in groups.</p> Putri Hardiyanti, Andika Dwi Saputra, Didi Mardianto, Halim Simatupang, Widya Arwita Copyright (c) 2024 Education Achievement: Journal of Science and Research Tue, 25 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000