Education Achievement: Journal of Science and Research
<p style="direction: ltr;">Education Achievement: Journal of Science and Research is published three times a year, in October, February, and June. It is a journal in the field of Education, encompassing textual and field studies from various perspectives, Educational Management, Educational Policy, Educational Technology, Educational Psychology, Curriculum Development, and Learning Strategies, as well as contemporary research findings in the field of Education.</p>Pusdikra-Publishing.comen-USEducation Achievement: Journal of Science and Research2774-2784Permasalahan Pendidikan dalam Praktek Pendidikan
<p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis berbagai permasalahan yang muncul dalam praktek pendidikan di sekolah-sekolah. Fokus utama penelitian ini adalah pada kendala yang dihadapi oleh pendidik dan peserta didik dalam proses pembelajaran, serta faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi efektivitas pendidikan. Metode yang digunakan adalah studi kualitatif dengan pendekatan observasi, wawancara mendalam, dan analisis dokumen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa permasalahan utama dalam praktek pendidikan meliputi keterbatasan sumber daya, kurangnya dukungan dari pihak manajemen sekolah, dan tantangan dalam penerapan kurikulum yang relevan dan kontekstual. Selain itu, ditemukan juga bahwa masalah komunikasi antara pendidik dan peserta didik serta metode pengajaran yang kurang variatif turut menjadi faktor yang menghambat proses pembelajaran. Penelitian ini menyarankan adanya peningkatan pelatihan dan pengembangan profesional bagi pendidik, perbaikan infrastruktur pendidikan, serta implementasi strategi pembelajaran yang lebih inovatif dan berpusat pada peserta didik. Dengan mengatasi permasalahan-permasalahan ini, diharapkan kualitas pendidikan dapat ditingkatkan secara signifikan.</p>Cind KhairanaFadilla RahmaniaAhsani TaqwimaApriliano FahmiHendrizal Hendrizal
Copyright (c) 2024 Education Achievement: Journal of Science and Research
2024-09-122024-09-1271471910.51178/jsr.v5i3.2077Layanan Konseling Kelompok dengan Teknik Modeling Simbolik dalam Meningkatkan Self Efficacy Siswa SMA Negeri 1 Percut Sei Tuan
<p>This research aims to increase students' self-efficacy through group counseling services using symbolic modeling techniques in class XI MATLANSOS SMA Negeri 1 Percut Sei Tuan. The research method used was Counseling Guidance Action Research (PTBK), with research subjects of 8 students selected based on low and medium levels of self-confidence. Data collection techniques include self-efficacy scales, interviews, and observations. Data analysis was carried out descriptively qualitatively using the data analysis model from Miles and Huberman. The research results showed a significant increase in students' self-confidence levels after being given intervention through symbolic modeling technique group counseling services. In cycle I, the percentage increase in student self-confidence reached 63%, and in cycle II, this percentage increased to 100%. This shows that the intervention carried out is effective in increasing students' self-efficacy, so that they become more confident in speaking and actively participating in class.</p>Nurul Zanna RambePurbatua ManurungHarwansyah Putra Sinaga
Copyright (c) 2024 Education Achievement: Journal of Science and Research
2024-09-122024-09-1272072810.51178/jsr.v5i3.2082Pelaksanaan Layanan Informasi dengan Teknik Diskusi untuk Meningkatkan Perencanaan Karir Pada Siswa Di SMA Negeri 1 Percut Sei Tuan
<p>This research aims to improve students' career planning at SMA Negeri 1 Percut Sei Tuan through the implementation of information services using discussion techniques. The main focus is to identify and improve students' understanding of career choices that suit their interests and abilities, as well as to increase their involvement in career planning through interactive discussions. The method used in this research is Counseling Guidance Action Research (PTBK), which is a strategy for improving educational services in the classroom context. This research was carried out in two cycles, each involving observation, interviews and questionnaires to collect qualitative and quantitative data. Data was collected through documentation, observation and questionnaire techniques which were processed with quantitative analysis using a modified Likert scale. Evaluation is carried out based on increasing the percentage of students with high career planning. In Cycle I, the results of the questionnaire showed that 60% of students experienced an improvement in their career planning after the information service. However, these results have not reached the success target of 75%. Observations revealed that student involvement in discussions varied, with some students active and others less involved. In Cycle II, after improvements in implementation methods, 80% of students showed improvement in their career planning, achieving the set targets. These results indicate that information services with discussion techniques significantly improve students' understanding of career planning and their ability to plan their future better.</p>Yeni Rahman NasutionPurbatua ManurungHarwansyah Putra Sinaga
Copyright (c) 2024 Education Achievement: Journal of Science and Research
2024-09-122024-09-1272974110.51178/jsr.v5i3.2083Implementasi Learning Management System (LMS) Berbasis Web Menggunakan Moodle
<table width="567"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="435"> <p>Perkembangan teknologi saat ini membawa perubahan signifikan dalam berbagai aspek kehidupan, termasuk pendidikan. Teknologi memungkinkan penyebaran informasi cepat dan membuka peluang untuk meningkatkan proses belajar mengajar melalui metode modern seperti e-learning. E-learning memanfaatkan perangkat elektronik seperti komputer dan ponsel yang terhubung ke internet, memungkinkan interaksi tanpa pertemuan langsung antara guru dan siswa. Learning Management System (LMS) menjadi solusi praktis dalam mengelola kegiatan pembelajaran, mendistribusikan materi, dan memfasilitasi kolaborasi. Moodle, salah satu platform LMS, digunakan oleh Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Ar-Raniry untuk mengembangkan Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) yang masih perlu dioptimalkan. Penelitian ini berfokus pada implementasi LMS berbasis web menggunakan Moodle di Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan UIN Ar-Raniry. Tujuannya adalah meningkatkan pemanfaatan teknologi dalam proses belajar mengajar dan memberikan kenyamanan bagi dosen dan mahasiswa. Metode SDLC dengan model pengembangan air terjun (waterfall) digunakan, meliputi tahap spesifikasi, perancangan, implementasi, dan pengujian. Data diambil dari mahasiswa Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan UIN Ar-Raniry. Pelaksanaan sistem dilakukan dengan menerapkan desain yang telah disusun ke dalam fitur-fitur LMS menggunakan Moodle, dengan MySQL sebagai server database. Pengujian blackbox memastikan semua fitur berfungsi sesuai yang diinginkan dan mendeteksi kesalahan dalam sistem. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa implementasi LMS berbasis web menggunakan Moodle berhasil memudahkan proses pembelajaran bagi dosen dan mahasiswa. Pengujian black box terbukti efektif dalam menguji fungsionalitas sistem, memastikan LMS siap digunakan dengan baik oleh pengguna.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table>Chairunnisa' MaulidzaAulia Syarif Aziz
Copyright (c) 2024 Education Achievement: Journal of Science and Research
2024-09-122024-09-1274275310.51178/jsr.v5i3.2059Problems of the 6th Semester Students in Micro Teaching Class at English Education Department FTIK of UIN SMDD Bukittinggi
<p>This research was motivated by the theory that problems of 6th semester micro teaching students in teaching skills. The purpose this research was to analyse whats the students teaching skills in micro-teaching. This research used a qualitative descriptive research design. There were 12 students in the 6th semester as the informants in this research. The instrument used in this research was interview and observation sheet. There are 8 questions of interview covering the 5 indicatros of the problems micro teaching and There are a total of 40 statements related to teaching skills, covering the 8 basic teaching skills. The analysis of the data was carried out using an interactive model method, and each informant was observed individually. The result of the analysis has been presented in a structured narrative explanation. The result is finding the problems of the 6th semester students in teaching skills and solutions of the problems.</p>Fabiola Amanda PutriMelyann MelaniReflinda ReflindaVeni Roza
Copyright (c) 2024 Education Achievement: Journal of Science and Research
2024-09-122024-09-1275476310.51178/jsr.v5i3.2067The Effectiveness of Literature Circles (LC) Strategy on Learners’ Reading Comprehension at the VIII Grade of UPTD SMP N 3 Kec. Guguak
<p>This research was conducted based on problems found by researcher in the learning process about reading comprehension using the Literature Circles (LC) strategy. It found that learners had problems when understanding the text although the teacher taught by using the Literature Circles strategy. Next, learners had difficulty to make a summary although the Literature Circles strategy was used. Last, in applying the Literature Circles strategy teacher had tried to help learners to comprehend some words that learners did not know from the text, but learners still tend to have difficulty in understanding those words. The purpose of this research was to see the effectiveness of using the Literature Circles strategy in teaching reading comprehension for VIII grade at UPTD SMP N 3 Kec.Guguak. The method used in this research was descriptive quantitative research, which aims to describe the significant effect of using Literature Circles (LC) strategy on reading comprehension learners. The population of this research were all of the learners in VIII grade of UPTD SMP N 3 Kec.Guguak. Then, the instrument used in this research was a reading comprehension test. The finding reveals that the use of Literature Circles strategy is effective to improve reading comprehension at VIII grade of UPTD SMP N 3 Kec. Guguak. It shows that in indicators the identifying the main idea and identifying generic structure in the text get the highest percentage of score (91.6%). Meanwhile, the result percentage of average score in indicator the vocabulary in the context get the lowest percentage of score (57.3%). Even though there is low score in those one reading comprehension’s indicator, but the total percentage of average score from all indicators in reading comprehension learners is 79.5%. According to the table of interpretation of the effectiveness percentage, 79.5% indicated ‘Effective” category. It means in using Literature Circles strategy is effective to improve the learners reading comprehension.</p>Intan JulianMelyann MelaniReflinda ReflindaVeni Roza
Copyright (c) 2024 Education Achievement: Journal of Science and Research
2024-09-122024-09-1276477810.51178/jsr.v5i3.2070The Effect of Application of Typing Master Pro Version 11 Against Blind Ten-Finger Typing Ability
<p>The purpose of this study is to assess the impact of the application of Typing Master Pro version 11 on students' typing skills in class XI of SMK Negeri 1 Ampek Angkek. This study was motivated by the low level of ability of class XI students majoring in Office Management and business services in typing ten fingers quickly and accurately, as well as the lack of utilization of applications supporting typing skills. The approach taken was to apply the Typing Master Pro version 11 application. This study used a quasi-experimental method with a quantitative approach. The data instrument used involved a test. The results showed an increase in students' ten-finger typing skills. The experimental group experienced an increase in typing skill scores of 71.17%, achieved a completeness rate of 87.5%, and an accuracy rate of 90%. Meanwhile, the control group experienced an increase of 37.22%, with a completion rate of 43.75%, and an accuracy rate of 80%. The increase in the control group was smaller than the increase in the experimental group.</p>Annur QalbySupriadi SupriadiLiza EfriyantiKhairuddin Khairuddin
Copyright (c) 2024 Education Achievement: Journal of Science and Research
2024-09-122024-09-1277978410.51178/jsr.v5i3.2072The Influence of Entrepreneurship Education with in the Family and Business Capital on the Income of Handwoven Fabric Artisans in Sumber Harapan Village, Sambas District
<p>This study aims to analyze: 1) The impact of entrepreneurial education in the family on the income of the manufacturer of fabrics in the village of Hope Branch of Sambas. 2) The effect of the capital of the enterprise on the revenue of the supplier of the fabrics of the village. The method used in this research is a method of quantitative research. The analysis technique in this study is double regression analysis. The sample in this study was a craftsman as well as a weaving business manager in the village of Hope Source of Sambas district with a total of 30 respondents. The data collection tool uses a lift or a questionnaire. The results of the study showed that: 1) Education of entrepreneurship in the family against the income of the craftsmen of the fabrics in the village of the source of hope of the district of Sambas has a significant influence. 2) Capital of the enterprise against the revenue of the manufacturers of fabrics of the village, while there are still 59.4% other determined of other factors not discussed in this study. Based on the results of the research, we expect fabric craftsmen to be able to improve entrepreneurial education in the family optimally and structured, the government and institutions are able to provide support in the form of additional capital of a larger enterprise so that the enterprise continues to go well and increases the income of fabric entrepreneurs.</p>Tisa TisaMashudi MashudiNuraini Asriati
Copyright (c) 2024 Education Achievement: Journal of Science and Research
2024-09-152024-09-1578579010.51178/jsr.v5i3.2085The Influence of Entrepreneurship Knowledge, Industrial Work Practice and Self-Efficacy on Entrepreneurial Interest of Class XII BDP Students
<p>This study aims to examine and analyze the Effect of Entrepreneurship Knowledge, Industrial Work Practice and Self-Efficacy on Entrepreneurial Interest of Class XII BDP Students of SMKN 8 Pontianak. This form of research is Quantitative research with Survey research type. The sample in this study were XII BDP class students 83 students. The sampling method is Total Sampling population The results showed that 1. There is a significant effect of X1 Entrepreneurship Knowledge on Y Entrepreneurial Interest indicated by a significant value of 0.000. The calculated t value of 12.809 is greater than the t table of 1.664 by having an influence of 66.9%, 2. There is a significant effect of X2 Industrial Work Practice on Y Entrepreneurial Interest indicated by a significant value of 0.018, with a calculated t value of 2.414 having an influence of 6.7%, 3. There is a significant effect of X3 Self-Efficacy on Y Entrepreneurial Interest indicated by a significance value of 0.000. There is an effect of Entrepreneurship Knowledge (X1), Industrial Work Practice (X2), and Self- Efficacy (X3) has a positive influence on Entrepreneurial Interest (Y) together (simultaneously) with a significance value of 0.000 smaller than 0.005 with a value of F value calculated 82.734 greater than F table 2.76 with the influence of 75.9%.</p>Miftahul KhiratNuraini AsriatiSyamsuri SyamsuriHunsi SyahrudinM. Basri
Copyright (c) 2024 Education Achievement: Journal of Science and Research
2024-09-152024-09-1579179810.51178/jsr.v5i3.2073The Effect of Guided Conversation Method Toward Students’ Speaking Ability in Eleventh-Grade of MAN 2 Bukittinggi
<p>This study aims to investigate the effect of using the guided conversation method on the speaking ability of eleventh-grade students at MAN 2 Bukittinggi. The research was motivated by the observation that students' speaking scores were below the standard, and teaching methods tended to emphasize memorization. Additionally, students struggled with speaking in English and received limited feedback on their performance. This quasi-experimental research involved pre-tests and post-tests with an experimental and control group. The sample consisted of 58 students selected through cluster random sampling, divided equally into two classes. A speaking test was used as the research instrument, and inter-rater reliability was applied to ensure test consistency. Data analysis included normality and homogeneity tests, while hypothesis testing employed paired sample T-tests and independent sample T-tests using SPSS. The results showed a significant improvement in the speaking ability of students taught using the guided conversation method (Sig. < 0.05). Moreover, a comparison between the experimental and control groups revealed a significant difference, with the experimental group achieving higher post-test scores. Thus, it can be concluded that the guided conversation method effectively improves students' speaking ability.</p>Mutiara RezkiMelyann MelaniVeni RozaIrwandi Irwandi
Copyright (c) 2024 Education Achievement: Journal of Science and Research
2024-09-152024-09-1579980910.51178/jsr.v5i3.2081The Effect of Whispering Game Toward Students’ Vocabulary Mastery at First Grade MTsN 1 Agam
<p>Vocabulary is an essential aspect of acquiring four English language skills. However, many students found some difficulties, such as students had low vocabulary mastery, students had a limited number of vocabulary, and students had psychological barriers to learning vocabulary. Therefore, the goal of the study was to determine whether using whispering games had any impact on students' ability to master language. A quasi-experimental design and quantitative methods were used in this study. Then, the population of study was a student of the first grade, MTsN 1 Agam. The study applied purposive sampling and pre- and post-test test were used in the study. The experimental class and the control class would be given the pre- test and post-test, and the researchers would compare the means of the two groups using independent sample t-tests. The calculation's findings indicate that the t-count value is higher than the t-table value. The degree of freedom at a significance level of 0.05 is 57 (14.313>0.05). With these findings, null hypothesis can be rejected. It indicates that first-grade MTsN 1 Agam vocabulary mastery achieved through whispering games is better than conventional techniques.</p>Feby OctavianiMelyann MelaniReflinda ReflindaVeni Roza
Copyright (c) 2024 Education Achievement: Journal of Science and Research
2024-09-152024-09-1581081610.51178/jsr.v5i3.2086Perancangan Media Evaluasi Pada Mata Pelajaran Informatika Kelas VII Semester 1 Menggunakan Quizwhizzer Di SMPN 1 Bukitinggi
<p>Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh problem yang peneliti temui pada SMPN 1 Bukittinggi, sumber belajar yang pendidik pakai ialah buku paket. Sehingga siswa merasa jenuh selama kegiatan belajar mengajar berlangsung serta belum ada sumber belajar seperti media belajar pada sekolah itu. Dari hal itu peneliti memberikan jalan keluar yakni merancang media belajar memakai quizwhizzer yang menarik. Peneliti mengajukan jalan keluar dengan mengajukan pendekatan teknologi khususnya membuat desain alat bantu media evaluasi berbasis komputer Kelas VII menggunakan Quizwhizzer di SMPN 1 Bukittinggi yang praktis, valid, serta efektif. Metode Research and Development (R&D) yakni metode penelitian yang peneliti pakai. Untuk model pengembangan media penelitian memakai model Richey & klien yaitu PPE, yang terbagi atas 3 fase, yakni (1) planning , (2) production, (3) evaluation. Dari hasil penelitian yang dilakukan bisa ditarik kesimpulan bahwasanya produk komunikasi yang dirancang yang diumumkan adalah valid, praktis, efektif dan bisa dipakai oleh pendidik dan murid selama proses belajar mengajar berlangsung. Pengujian produk yang peneliti laksanakan, dari uji validitas diperoleh mean skor 0,79 dengan tengkatan validitas, selanjutnya uji praktikalitas produk memperoleh skor 0,93 dengan tingkatan amat tinggi dan pengujian efektivitas produk menghasilkan mean skor 0,92 dalam tingkatan efektivitas tinggi.</p>Mia Amanda SuhailaSarwo DertaHari Antoni MusrilRiri Okra
Copyright (c) 2024 Education Achievement: Journal of Science and Research
2024-09-152024-09-1581782510.51178/jsr.v5i3.2084The Correlation Between Students Engagement and Students Academic Achievement in Learning English at 11th Grade of MAN 4 Agam
<p>This study was conducted to find out the correlation between students’ engagement and students’ academic achievement in learning English at 11th grade of MAN 4 Agam. This study used correlational design. The sample was the XI IPS 1 and 2 which consisted of 37 students which selected by using purposive sampling technique. Technique data collecting in this study was questionnaires and tests. The questionnaire was Student Engagement Instrument (SEI) consisted 33 questions and academic achievement test consisted 22 questions. In analyzing the data, this study used Pearson’s Product Moment in SPSS 20 version program. There were a strong positive correlation with a correlation coefficient of 0.669. This means that there is a significant relationship between these variables, showing that student engagement impacts academic achievement in various ways. So, higher student’ engagement is associated with higher learning achievement in English, whereas lower engagement corresponds to lower achievement.</p>Annisa LatifaMelyann MelaniReflinda ReflindaVeni Roza
Copyright (c) 2024 Education Achievement: Journal of Science and Research
2024-10-042024-10-0482683510.51178/jsr.v5i3.2093Pengaruh Kecanduan Media Sosial dan Pola Pikir Terhadap Kesehatan Mental Mahasiswa
<p style="font-weight: 400;">Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kecanduan media sosial secara persial terhadap kesehatan mental, mengetahui pengaruh pola pikir secara persial terhadap kesehatan mental serta mengetahui pengaruh kecanduan media sosial dan pola pikir secara simultan berpengaruh terhadap kesehatan mental mahasiswa universitas tjut nyak dhien medan. Penelitian melibatkan populasi seluruh mahasiswa di universitas tjut nyak dhien sebanyak 2.111 mahasiswa. Teknik pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah probability sampling atau pengambilan sampel yang memberikan kesempatan untuk di pilih menjadi anggota sampel sebanyak 95 mahasiswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai thitung variabel kecanduan media sosial adalah 2,98 dan nilai ttabel sebesar 1,98 dan nilai sighting sebesar 0,000 dan nilai sigtabel 0,05. Dengan ketentuan nilai thitung > ttabel dan nilai sighitung < sigtabel atau (2,98 > 1,98) dan (0,000 < 0,05) nilai rhitung variabel pola pikir adalah 2,54 dan nilai ttabel sebesar 1,98, dan nilai sighting sebesar 0,000 dan nilai sigtabel 0,05. Dengan ketentuan nilai thitung > ttabel dan nilai sighitung < sigtabel atau (2,54 > 1,98) dan (0,000 < 0,05) serta nilai variabel kecanduan media sosial (X1) dan pola pikir (X2) adalah sebesar 19,45 dan nilai ttabel sebesar 2,37 dengan ketentuan nilai thitung > ttabel dan nilai sighitung < sigtabel atau 19,45 > 2,37 dan nilai (0,000 < 0,05). Nilai Adjusted R Square sebesar 0,641 dari output tersebut diperoleh koefisien determinasi (R Square) sebesar 0,806, yang berarti pengaruh variabel bebas yaitu kecanduan media sosial dan pola pikir terhadap kesehatan mental adalah 65% sedangkan 35% dipengaruhi oleh variabel lain.</p>Rosline HalawaIndah Sari Liza LubisReny Khaerany Nisfiary
Copyright (c) 2024 Education Achievement: Journal of Science and Research
2024-10-042024-10-0483684710.51178/jsr.v5i3.2092The Effect of Using Role, Audience, Format, Topic (R.A.F.T) Strategy on Students’ Ability Writing Greeting Card at Ninth Grade of SMP Jami’iyyatul Hujjaj Bukittinggi
<p>This research looked at how the RAFT technique affected the ninth-grade pupils at SMP Jam'iyyatul Hujjaj's capacity to write greeting cards. The research was motivated by the pupils' struggles with writing in their English language studies. This study used a pre-experimental design with a single group undergoing both pre- and post-test design classes. The 26 students enrolled in the ninth grade at SMP Jam'iyyatul Hujjaj Bukittinggi made up the research population. The sample utilized in this study was obtained using complete sampling. Writing tests served as the research tool in this study. The paired sample t-test in SPSS 22 was used to evaluate the data. According to the research's findings, there was a noticeable difference in students' capacity to write greeting cards between classes that used the RAFT technique and those who did not. As can be seen, the result obtained (5.451>2.060) is greater than the value in the table. Based on the statistics, it can be inferred that the RAFT technique significantly improved the writer's capacity to write greeting cards<em>.</em></p>Rahmi NoviantiLoli SafitriGenta SaktiSyahrul Syahrul
Copyright (c) 2024 Education Achievement: Journal of Science and Research
2024-10-042024-10-0484885410.51178/jsr.v5i3.2111Studi Literatur Tentang Penggunaan Aplikasi Marbel Membaca Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Membaca Peserta Didik
<p>Penelitian ini dilaksanakan untuk mengetahui dampak penggunaan aplikasi marbel membaca untuk meningkatkan kemampuan membaca peserta didik. Dengan aplikasi marbel membaca diharapkan kemampuan membaca peserta didik dapat berkembang dengan baik dan aplikasi ini mudah untuk diakses melalui android/ios. Marbel Belajar Membaca adalah aplikasi edukasi untuk anak usia 6-8 tahun. Aplikasi ini membantu anak-anak mengenal huruf A sampai Z, membedakan huruf vokal dan konsonan, serta belajar mengeja suku kata. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi literatur. Metode ini bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran umum terkait penggunaan aplikasi Marbel Membaca dalam meningkatkan kemampuan membaca. Dari hasil penelitian dapat diketahui bahwa penggunaan aplikasi "Marbel Membaca" secara signifikan dapat meningkatkan kemampuan membaca anak-anak, baik di tingkat pendidikan formal maupun non-formal. Berdasarkan hasil studi yang disajikan, aplikasi ini bermanfaat tidak hanya untuk siswa reguler di sekolah dasar, tetapi juga untuk anak-anak dengan kebutuhan khusus seperti disleksia, serta anak-anak usia dini. Dengan fitur yang interaktif, memadukan unsur audio, visual, dan permainan, Marbel Membaca membuat proses belajar membaca menjadi lebih menyenangkan dan menarik bagi anak-anak. Aplikasi ini membantu mereka mengenal huruf, mengeja, dan membaca kata-kata sederhana secara bertahap, sehingga mendorong pengembangan keterampilan literasi peserta didik.</p>Alwan Naufal AkmaluddinElni ArrahmaNadia Ivana AgustinNelly Astuti
Copyright (c) 2024 Education Achievement: Journal of Science and Research
2024-10-042024-10-0485586210.51178/jsr.v5i3.2098The Implementation of the Problem Based Learning in Teaching English at the Second Grade of Pondok Pesantren Ashhabul Yamin Lasi
<p>This research was done to find out the Implementation of Problem Based Learning Model in Teaching English at the second grade of Pesantren Ashhabul Yamin Lasi. This study aims to determine the implementation of the problem based model at the Ashhabul Yamin Lasi Islamic Boarding School.This study aims to 1) To find out how do the teacher implement problem based learning model in teaching english . 2) To find out what are the problem faced by teachers while teaching using the problem based learning model at the Ashhabul Yamin Lasi Islamic Boarding School. This research is a descriptive qualitative research. The subjects of this research are English teachers who implement the problem based learning model. Data collection techniques use observation, interviews and documentation. Data analysis uses the Miles and Huberman model, namely data collection, data reduction, data presentation and conclusions. The result of this study is that it was found that English teachers at the boarding school ashhabul yamin lasi have used five steps in implementing the problem-based learning model. Based on the data collected by the researcher, It can be concluded that all the steps taken by the teacher are in accordance with the steps of each sequence in the problem-based learning model. So, it can be interpreted that the English teacher at the Ashhabul Yamin Lasi Islamic Boarding School is able to apply the problem-based learning model and adapt it to the material being taught. The teacher is able to provide problems or questions according to the abilities of the students. Then the teacher is also able to invite students to be directly involved in the class.</p>Sherly Dwi YusvendyMelyann MelaniReflinda ReflindaVeni Roza
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2024-10-042024-10-0486387810.51178/jsr.v5i3.2112Improving Student’s Reading Comprehension Through LRD (Listen–Read– Discussion) Strategy at the Eighth Grade of MTS At-Taqwa Jambi
<p>This research was done to improve students’ reading comprehension through LRD (Listen-Read-Discussion) strategy. The background of this research was the eighth grade students of MTS At-Taqwa Jambi had the problem in reading comprehension including students reading comprehension was low, students were difficult to find the elements of reading and it was difficult for students to determine the main idea of the text. Furthermore, this research aimed to find out whether there was an improvement in students’ reading comprehension through LRD (Listen-Read-Discussion) strategy at among the eighth - grade students of MTS At-Taqwa Jambi. This research was a classroom action research (CAR). This classroom action research divided into two cycles that referred to the classroom action research procedures were planning, implementing of action, observing, and reflecting. The research data were collected through observation checklist and tests. The test was given to the students in form of a reading comprehension post-test at the end of learning at each cycle. The subject of this research was the eighth grade students of MTS At-Taqwa Jambi. The total number of students in the class was 22 students. The result of the analysis showed that the LRD (Listen-Read-Discussion) strategy could improve students reading comprehension. The result of students reading comprehension test was showed in two cycles. The result showed that there were improvements in students’ reading comprehension scores and reading activity through LRD (Listen-Read-Discussion) strategy. The result obtained by students in the cycle I the average score of the class was 58,52. In the cycle II results obtained by students the average score of the class was 75,57, also students were not difficult in finding the elements of reading in the text and more focused in reading the material in “Read” section. Based on the students’ results in cycle I and cycle II could be concluded that the minimum criteria for score was reached. The minimum criteria for the score (KKM) was 75. Furthermore, it could be conclude that the use of LRD (Listen-Read-Discussion) strategy could improve students’ reading comprehension.</p>Bayu FajrudiansyahMerry Prima DewiLoli SafitriSyahrul Syahrul
Copyright (c) 2024 Education Achievement: Journal of Science and Research
2024-10-122024-10-1287988710.51178/jsr.v5i3.2095The Effect of Gossiping Group Activities Toward Fluency in Speaking at the 10th Grade Of MAN 3 Agam
<p>This research was motivated by the findings of the researcher during observations and interviews at the 10th grade of MAN 3 Agam. Researcher found that students often used pause fillers such as "hmm" and "eee", and had low vocabulary mastery that hindered fluency in speaking. They also had difficulty expressing ideas and opinions, so the speed and tempo of speaking were affected. The study aimed to determine the effect of gossiping group activities on students' speaking fluency. The study used a type of experimental research, namely a quasi-experiment with a nonequivalent control group design. The sample in this study was selected using a random technique and the selected class was XE.2 class as the control class and XE.4 class as the experimental class. Instruments in the form of oral speaking tests that had been validated with content validity and assessed with inter-rater reliability. Data analysis included prerequisite tests for normality and homogeneity, and utilized Paired sample t-Tests and Independent sample t-Tests to test hypotheses. From the results of data analysis, it was concluded that gossiping group activities had a significant effect on improving students' speaking fluency.</p>Alfina AlfinaEliza ElizaVeni RozaMelyann Melani
Copyright (c) 2024 Education Achievement: Journal of Science and Research
2024-10-122024-10-1288889910.51178/jsr.v5i3.2096Analysis of Personality Factors’ in Second Language Acquisition
<table width="567"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="435"> <p>This research was carried out based on problems encountered by researcher in the fifth semester of the English language education study program at UIN SMDD Bukittinggi. First, many students do not yet recognize their personalities. Second, students still feel insecure, anxious and afraid in using their second language skills because of their personality. The aim of this research is to describe student personality which has an impact on the process of second language acquisition for students in the fifth semester and to describe how personality factors influence the second language acquisition of students in the fifth semester. This research is research with a mixed approach. The instruments of this research are questionnaires and interviews. The respondents for this research for quantitative data were 46 fifth semester students of the English language education study program. The informants for this research were 4 students who had participated and filled out the research questionnaire. Data was obtained from three classes through distributing questionnaire instruments and interviews with fifth semester students. There are two data analyzes in this research, namely descriptive statistical data analysis for quantitative data and qualitative data analysis for researcher using the theory of Miles and Huberman in Sugiyono. The findings and discussion outline the answers to the three research questions, namely students' personality types, students' level of second language acquisition, and the relationship between personality and second language acquisition. First, it was found that the personality types of fifth semester students are conscientiousness, extroversion and its opposite, neuroticism, and agreeableness. Second, more than half of the fifth semester English education students have reached the level of continuous language development/advanced fluency with 57.6%. Third, students have the view that personality can facilitate or complicate the process of language acquisition, but it can still be influenced by other factors such as one's desire and self-control.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table>Febriana FebrianaReflinda ReflindaVeni RozaMelyann Melani
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2024-10-122024-10-1290090610.51178/jsr.v5i3.2097Perancangan Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Augmented Reality (AR) Menggunakan Assemblr Edu Pada Mata Pelajaran Biologi Di MAN 4 Agam
<p>Berdasarkan penelitian di MAN 4 Agam, diketahui bahwasannya penggunaan media berbasis Augmented Reality (AR) menggunakan Assemblr Edu belum pernah digunakan oleh guru dalam pembelajaran biologi. Kurangnya kreativitas dan variasi model dalam pembelajaran dari guru menyebabkan rendahnya motivasi dan minat belajar siswa. Penggunaan Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik (LKPD), dan presentasi Power Point masih menjadi metode utama dalam menyampaikan materi, sementara keterbatasan alat peraga seperti proyektor menjadi kendala. Hal ini menghambat penyampaian materi kompleks, sehingga guru harus menggambar di papan tulis, membuat siswa kesulitan memahami informasi. Dengan demikian tujuan penelitian ini untuk merancang media pembelajaran interaktif berbasis Augmented Reality menggunakan Assemblr Edu pada mata pelajaran biologi di MAN 4 Agam agar dapat meningkatkan keefektifan proses pembelajaran. Untuk perancangan media ini, peneliti menggunakan metode pendekatan versi 4D, yaitu Define, Design, Develop dan Disseminate. Pengujian media yang dirancang dilakukan dalam tiga tahap yaitu Uji Validitas, Uji Praktikalitas dan Uji Efektifitas. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah berupa media pembelajaran berbasis Augmented Reality menggunakan Assemblr Edu pada mata pelajaran biologi yang dapat digunakan oleh guru dan siswa. Pengujian dari penilaian validitas mendapatkan hasil akhir dengan rata-rata 0, 92 dari 5 validator dengan kriteria valid, kemudian penilaian praktikalitas yang dinilai oleh 2 orang guru biologi kelas XI dengan hasil rata-rata 0,91 kriteria sangat tinggi, dan penilaian efektifitas yang diperoleh dari 21 orang siswa kelas XI dengan hasil rata-rata 0,8 dengan kriteria efektifitas tinggi. Maka dari hasil tersebut dapat disimpulkan media pembelajaran interaktif berbasis Augmented Reality (AR) meggunakan Assemblr Edu pada mata pelajaran biologi di MAN 4 Agam yang telah dibuat sudah valid, praktis dan efektif yang dapat digunakan oleh guru dan siswa dalam pembelajaran.</p>Icha PrimadonaSupratman ZakirLiza EfriyantiJasmienti Jasmienti
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2024-10-122024-10-1290792310.51178/jsr.v5i3.2099Pengaruh Strategi Pembelajaran Group Investigation(GI) Terhadap Hasil Belajar Informatika di SMP N 1 Sungai
<p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh strategi Group Investigation (GI) terhadap hasil belajar siswa SMP N 1 Sungai Tarab pada mata pelajaran Informatika. Dengan menggunakan teknik Total Sampling, 54 siswa dipilih sebagai sampel, yang kemudian dibagi menjadi kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol. Penelitian ini menggunakan pretest-posttest control group design dengan metode quasi-eksperimen kuantitatif. Dua hipotesis diuji dalam penelitian ini: Ha (Hipotesis Alternatif) yang menyatakan bahwa ada pengaruh strategi pembelajaran Group Investigation (GI) terhadap hasil belajar siswa, dan H0 (Hipotesis Nol) yang menyatakan tidak ada pengaruh dari strategi tersebut. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berupa tes objektif yang bertujuan untuk mengukur kemampuan siswa sebelum dan sesudah diberikan perlakuan (treatment). Data kuantitatif yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini dianalisis menggunakan uji statistik t untuk mengidentifikasi apakah terdapat pengaruh signifikan dari penerapan strategi Group Investigation (GI) terhadap hasil belajar siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa strategi pembelajaran Group Investigation (GI) tidak berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap hasil belajar siswa di mata pelajaran Informatika. Hal ini didasarkan pada hasil uji hipotesis, di mana nilai Sig. (2-tailed) lebih besar dari 0,05, sehingga Ha ditolak dan H0 diterima. Beberapa kemungkinan penyebab hasil ini meliputi penyebaran informasi yang tidak merata, ketidaksesuaian antara strategi pembelajaran dengan atribut-atribut pelajaran, perbedaan kemampuan individu siswa, keterbatasan fasilitas, komitmen siswa yang bervariasi, serta pelaksanaan strategi yang mungkin belum optimal.</p>Nurhanifah NurhanifahKhairuddin KhairuddinSupratman ZakirRiri Okra
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2024-10-122024-10-1292493210.51178/jsr.v5i3.2102The Analysis of English Teacher Talk Modification in Classroom Interaction of 2nd Grade Students at MTsN 6 Kubang Putiah
<p>This research was due to some problems that were found in MTsN 6 Kubang Putih. First, teacher gave less pauses during her talk in the classroom. Teacher talk should be give more pauses for students’ comprehension. Second, the teacher did not do self-repeat frequently. She only does it sometimes. Self-repeat in teacher talk also need to be done frequently. Self-repeat is when the teacher repeat her sentence or word for the students to get a better understanding. This research was descriptive qualitative. , the subject of the research is the teacher and students of English class of the second grade in MTsN 6 Kubang Putih in academic year 2021. There is six class and one class consist of 30 students. The researcher focused on teacher’s talk in the classroom interaction in English class. The researcher used purposive sampling to choose the student to be interviewed or participant. The data of the present study are collected through observation in the classroom and conducting interview. The researcher found that the modifications seen in teacher talk in language classrooms, including a slower rate of speech, longer and more frequent pauses, exaggerated and simplified pronunciation, more basic vocabulary, less subordination, more declaratives and statements versus questions, and more self-repetition, were all present. This supports the findings from Chaudron and Dodu's study of modification of teacher talk in language classrooms. The findings of this research highlighted the importance of teacher modifications in language teaching. It is essential for teachers to vary their speech rate, use pauses, and stress particular words in order to emphasize the messages they are trying to communicate within the classroom. Self-repeat can aid learners in understanding the instructional content better. Additionally, teachers should incorporate simple vocabulary within their discussions, and use more declarative senteces. Modifying the teacher talk is an effective strategy in helping learners better comprehend the material being presented.</p>Sri MaryatyMelyann MelaniReflinda ReflindaVeni Roza
Copyright (c) 2024 Education Achievement: Journal of Science and Research
2024-10-122024-10-1293393810.51178/jsr.v5i3.2118 Perancangan Kuis Digital Berbasis Gamifikasi Menggunakan Blooket pada Mata Pelajaran Informatika di SMP N 3 Bukittinggi
<p>Permasalahan di SMP N 3 Bukittinggi evaluasi pembelajaran informatika belum disesuaikan dengan era digital, khususnya dalam penggunaan media platform digital online. Proses evaluasi pembelajaran rentan mengarah pada kecurangan, kurangnya penggunaan teknologi dan media saat evaluasi pembelajaran sehingga peserta didik pasif dan mempengaruhi nilai informatika. Tujuan penelitian untuk membuat kuis digital berbasis gamifikasi yang menarik membantu dalam evaluasi pembelajaran. Penelitian dan pengembangan (R&D) adalah metodologi yang digunakan. Model pengembangannya adalah ADDIE. Terdiri lima langkah : analyze (analisis), design (desain), develop (pengembangan), implement (implementasi), evaluate (evaluasi). Media dirancang menggunakan Blooket. Berdasarkan uji validitas oleh tiga ahli dengan nilai 0,82 dikatakan kategori valid; uji praktikalitas oleh tiga guru dan tiga siswa dengan nilai 0,90 dikatakan kategori sangat efektif; dan uji efektivitas oleh tiga guru dan lima belas siswa dengan nilai 0,85 menunjukkan kategori efektif. Berdasarkan hasil uji produk menunjukkan bahwa kuis digital valid, praktis, dan efektif.</p>Musthari Annisa JohniSupratman ZakirLiza EfriyantiGusnita Darmawati
Copyright (c) 2024 Education Achievement: Journal of Science and Research
2024-10-242024-10-2493994610.51178/jsr.v5i3.2116Perancangan Media Pembelajaran Interaktif Berbasis Android Menggunakan Smart APP Creator 3 Dalam Mata Pelajaran Biologi
<p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang media pembelajaran interaktif berbasis Android menggunakan Smart App Creator 3 pada mata pelajaran Biologi di SMPN 3 Kecamatan Payakumbuh. Proses pembelajaran yang interaktif dan menarik sangat penting untuk meningkatkan minat belajar siswa, terutama dalam konteks pembelajaran jarak jauh yang diterapkan selama pandemi COVID-19. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Research and Development (R&D) dengan model ADDIE, yang meliputi tahap analisis, desain, pengembangan, implementasi, dan evaluasi. Uji validitas produk dilakukan oleh tiga ahli, yang menunjukkan nilai validitas rata-rata sebesar 0,97, menunjukkan bahwa media tersebut valid dan dapat digunakan. Uji praktikalitas melibatkan guru dan siswa, dengan hasil menunjukkan tingkat kepraktisan yang sangat tinggi. Uji efektivitas dilakukan menggunakan rumus Richard R. Hake (G-Score), menghasilkan nilai rata-rata G sebesar 0,81, yang menunjukkan efektivitas tinggi media pembelajaran yang dirancang. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan kontribusi dalam meningkatkan proses pembelajaran Biologi yang lebih efektif dan menarik bagi siswa, serta mendukung penggunaan teknologi dalam pendidikan.</p>Reski MulianySupratman ZakirZulfani SesmiarniCharles Charles
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2024-10-242024-10-2494795610.51178/jsr.v5i3.2128Efektivitas Penggunaan Media Powerpoint Terhadap Hasil Belajar IPA Peserta Didik di Sekolah Dasar
<p>Saat ini memasuki era society 5.0 dimana masyarakat dituntut untuk menyeimbangkan kemajuan teknologi dan informasi. Dengan adanya kemajuan teknologi dalam hal pemanfaatan komputer dan internet sebagai media dan sumber belajar, pendidik harus dapat memanfaatkannya sehingga kemajuan teknologi bisa membantu proses pembelajaran. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui efektivitas penggunakan media pembelajaran berupa Powerpoint terhadap hasil belajar peserta didik. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah SLR (Systematic Literatur Review) dimana mengumpulkan beberapa artikel yang terkalin dengan topik dengan rentang waktu 2021-2024 yang direview sebagai data pendukung dalam penelitian ini. Berdasarkan penelitian yang sudah dilakukan maka didapatkan hasil; 1) Media pembelajaran PowerPoint memiliki peran penting dalam pendidikan karena dapat meningkatkan pemahaman konsep siswa, membuat pembelajaran lebih aktif, inovatif, dan menyenangkan. 2) Berdasarkan enam artikel yang ditinjau, terdapat bukti bahwa siswa memberikan respons positif terhadap penggunaan PowerPoint, ditandai dengan peningkatan antusiasme belajar IPA. 3) penggunaan PowerPoint juga terbukti meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa, dengan rata-rata peningkatan lebih dari 80%, menunjukkan efektivitas dan kelayakan yang sangat baik.</p>Erma Titis NikmahRafitri PrihatiniSupriyadi SupriyadiJody Setya Hermawan
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2024-10-272024-10-2795796510.51178/jsr.v5i3.2136Perancangan Sistem Pakar Pendeteksi Soal HOTS pada Mata Pelajaran Informatika Kelas XI di SMA Negeri 2 Bukittinggi
<p>Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi di SMAN 2 Bukittinggi belum adanya alat atau aplikasi khusus untuk mendeteksi soal hots atau non)hots. Yang digunakan guru untuk menentukan soal hots atau non-(i)hots masih manual menggunakan asesmen yang sudah ada yang berupa aturan kognitif, afektif, dan psikomotor, hal tersebut menyebabkan guru menentuan soal hots atau noni hots belum sepenuhnya valid. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi validitas, kepraktisan, dan efektivitas produk sistem pakar pendeteksi soal hots pada mata pelajaran informatika kelas XI di SMA Negeri 2 Bukittinggi. Jenis kajian ini adalah investigasi perancangan dengan model Rapid Application Development (RAD) atau Prototyping cepat. Yang mana RAD menekan kanpada siklus pengembangan yang cepat, singkat, dan efisien. Waktu yang terbatas merupakan faktor penting dalam model ini. Metode RAD (Rapid Application Development) menggunakan pendekatan iteratif, di mana model awal sistem dikembangkan untuk menentukan kebutuhan pengguna. Tahap desain melibatkan perancangan produk, sementara tahap pengembangan mencakup evaluasi oleh para pakar, termasuk pakar konten, pakar konstruk, dan pakar bahasa. Pada tahap implementation, dilakukan pengujian dalam skala kecil dan besar, terakhir tahap evaluation, yakni menganalisis keuntungan dan kelemahan dari produk yang di uji coba. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah lembar validitas, praktikalitas, dan efektifitas berupa angket. Analisis data terdiri dari analisis validitas, praktikalitas dan efektivitas.</p>Sutri SerlikaZulfani SesmiarniWedra AprisonSupratman ZakirHari Antoni Musril
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2024-10-272024-10-2796697410.51178/jsr.v5i3.2132Pembentukan Akhlak dan Etika pada Mahasiswa UIN Syekh Ali Hasan Ahmad Addary Padang Sidempuan di Era Digitalisasi
<p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis berbagai permasalahan yang muncul dalam pembentukan akhlak dan etika pada mahasiswa. Fokus utama penelitian ini adalah pada kendala yang dihadapi oleh dosen dan mahasiswa dalam pembentukan serta faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi akhlak dan etika mahasiswa di era digitalisasi. Metode yang digunakan adalah studi kualitatif dengan pendekatan observasi, analisis dan wawancara mendalam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa permasalahan utama dalam pembentukan akhlak dan etika pada mahasiswa di era digitalisasi meliputi informasi yang tidak tersaring, perilaku di media sosial, kebebasan berpendapat yang kurang bertanggung jawab, pengaruh budaya luar yang kurang sesuai, akses konten di era digital, kurangnya kontrol diri dalam penggunaan teknologi dan individualisme dan menurunnya interaksi sosial. Penelitian ini menyarankan perlunya kolaborasi antara mahasiwa, institusi pendidikan, dosen, serta masyarakat dalam mengatasi permasalahan akhlak dan etika pada mahasiswa di era digitalisasi. Dengan pendekatan yang komprehensif, diharapkan mahasiswa tidak hanya menjadi pengguna teknologi yang cerdas, tetapi juga individu yang memiliki moralitas dan etika yang tinggi, siap berkontribusi positif bagi masyarakat di era digital secara signifikan.</p>Saqdiatul Khoiriyah
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2024-10-272024-10-2797598410.51178/jsr.v5i3.2143Manajemen Sarana dan Prasarana untuk Meningkatkan Mutu Pendidikan di UIN Syekh Ali Hasan Ahmad Addary Padang Sidempuan
<p>Penelitian ini mengeksplorasi pentingnya manajemen sarana dan prasarana dalam meningkatkan mutu pendidikan di UIN Syekh Ali Hasan Ahmad Addary Padang Sidempuan. Fokus utama penelitian adalah pada implementasi strategi manajemen yang bertujuan untuk menciptakan lingkungan pendidikan yang optimal. Dengan pendekatan kualitatif naturalistik, penelitian ini mengumpulkan data melalui observasi, wawancara, dan pengkajian dokumen, yang kemudian dianalisis melalui beberapa tahapan, termasuk reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengelolaan sarana dan prasarana, seperti perpustakaan dan laboratorium, memegang peran krusial dalam mendukung proses belajar mengajar. Namun, masih terdapat beberapa keterbatasan, seperti kurangnya kualifikasi staf tertentu dalam pengelolaan fasilitas tersebut. Proses manajemen melibatkan berbagai tahap, dari perencanaan hingga penghapusan, yang bertujuan untuk memastikan bahwa fasilitas pendidikan tetap sesuai dengan standar dan kebutuhan yang berkembang. Pembaharuan fasilitas pendidikan secara berkala berdampak positif terhadap mutu pendidikan di UIN Syekh Ali Hasan Ahmad Addary Padang Sidempuan. Selain mendukung pembelajaran akademik, universitas juga membekali siswa dengan keterampilan praktis yang relevan, seperti menjahit dan merias, untuk mempersiapkan mereka menghadapi dunia kerja. Kesimpulan penelitian ini menekankan bahwa implementasi manajemen sarana dan prasarana yang efektif dapat meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan secara signifikan, mendukung pencapaian tujuan pendidikan nasional, serta mempersiapkan lulusan yang berdaya saing.</p>Irda Suriani
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2024-10-272024-10-2798599510.51178/jsr.v5i3.2144Building the Future: The Role of Nurul 'Ilmi School in the Advancement of Science and Global Insight Through Literacy
<p>This essay discusses the important role of Nurul 'Ilmi School in developing a bright future with a focus on the advancement of science and global insight through literacy. This essay explores how Nurul 'Ilmi School has successfully promoted science and global insight as the main foundation for students in understanding and facing future challenges. In this context, this essay analyzes the strategies used by Nurul 'Ilmi School to create a learning environment that allows students to develop as competent and knowledgeable individuals in the fields of science and global insight. The results of this essay find the role of Nurul 'Ilmi School, namely using the following strategies; literacy as a foundation for progress, instruments and motivation for science, expanding global insight and creating ideal leaders. Practically, this essay is expected to contribute to shaping the future of the young generation who are ready to be involved in advancing science and have a global insight.</p>NAIMAH AGUSTINA
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2024-11-032024-11-039961000Teaching Profession
<p>The purpose of this writing is to discuss the concept of the teaching profession. In the context of teaching, planning can be interpreted as the process of compiling lesson materials, using teaching media, using approaches, teaching methods, and assessments in a time allocation that will be carried out at a certain time to achieve predetermined goals. Professional Competence describes the abilities that must be possessed by someone who holds a position as a teacher, meaning that it can show that it is a characteristic of his professionalism. In addition, teachers must also have competencies that reflect a steady, stable, mature, wise personality and be a role model for their students. From the explanation above, teachers are often considered as figures who have ideal personalities. Because teachers are also considered role models to be imitated, therefore they must have the competencies mentioned above.</p>Tepiani Dasopang
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2024-11-032024-11-0310011006Social Change in Sociological, Pedagogical, Psychological, Economic, and Religious Views
<p>The purpose of this paper is to discuss Social Change in Sociological, Pedagogical, Psychological, Economic, and Religious Reviews. The conclusion of this paper is that Indonesia, as a country with a Muslim majority, shows a wide religious diversity with a Muslim majority reaching 87.18% of the total population in 2010. Most Muslims are concentrated on the island of Java, while other religions such as Christianity, Catholicism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Confucianism have adherents spread across various regions, each with different proportions. Although Indonesia faces challenges in maintaining tolerance and harmony between religions, the attitude of Islam as rahmatan lil 'alamin (blessing for the universe) helps create peaceful relations among adherents of various religions. Efforts to strengthen this harmony are important in facing the challenges of claims to religious truth, fanaticism, and teachings to spread religion, which if managed wisely through dialogue and interfaith cooperation, can maintain peace amidst existing pluralism.</p>Makmun Arrasid Siregar
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2024-11-032024-11-0310071018Implementation of Education Report Cards in the Preparation of School Account Documents
<p>The purpose of this study is to discuss the Implementation of the Education Report Card in the Preparation of School Account Documents, the conclusion of this paper is that the Education Report Card is one of the programs of the Merdeka Belajar curriculum issued by the Ministry of Education and Culture in the 9th episode which is said to be an improvement on the Education Quality Report Card. Of the many types and sources of data needed in the implementation of this activity, it is certainly possible that there will be obstacles in the final assessment process in the Education Report Card which then disrupts the implementation of the preparation of the RKAS which is very dependent on the results of the Education Report Card. Therefore, before actually implementing and maximizing the use of the Education Report Card, it is necessary for the government to maximize the previous education data collection program or system that has been running so as not to interfere with the implementation of the next program. The government must focus more on providing professional resources for each educational institution that plays a role in data management, to providing adequate facilities for the implementation of each data collection program.</p>Surianti Siregar
Copyright (c) 2024 Education Achievement: Journal of Science and Research
2024-11-032024-11-0310191027An Analysis of the English Textbook “Bright” Used for the Ninth Grade of MTSN 6 Agam
<p>This research analyzed the English textbook "Bright" used for ninth grade students at MTsN 6 Agam. This study aims to assess how well the textbook is in accordance with the appropriateness of content based on the 2013 curriculum from the National Education Standardization Agency (BSNP). The method used in this research is qualitative content analysis to assess the appropriateness of the English textbook "Bright" used for ninth-grade students at MTsN 6 Agam. Especially focused on comprehensively analyzing the content of the textbook based on standards set by the Education National Standardization Board (BSNP). Data were gathered from the entirety of the "Bright" textbook, supplemented by documentation notes with an English teacher. The researcher served as the primary instrument, ensuring methodological rigor and transparency throughout the study. The analysis involved coding and reduction techniques to identify patterns and themes related to content appropriateness. Findings from the research aimed to provide insights for English teachers, students, textbook writers, and future researchers. The study contributed to the understanding of how well the "Bright" textbook aligned with educational standards and offered recommendations for improving English teaching materials. The research findings indicated that the English textbook "Bright" used at MTsN 6 Agam aligned well with the objectives and curriculum set by BSNP. Data analysis from documentation notes with teachers showed that the textbook generally met the criteria for content appropriateness. While there were minor shortcomings in its ability to supplement other subjects, the "Bright" textbook was deemed relevant, accurate, and inspiring for students. Overall, the textbook portrayed national themes that strengthened pride and appreciation for the nation's culture. This conclusion provides valuable insights for curriculum developers, affirming the suitability of the "Bright" textbook for teaching English at MTsN 6 Agam and advocating for continuous improvement in English education in Indonesia.</p>Giani FadillaElsi AmizaSyahrul SyahrulAbsharini Kardena
Copyright (c) 2024 Education Achievement: Journal of Science and Research
2024-11-032024-11-031028104110.51178/jsr.v5i3.2139Analysis of Students Ability on Countable and Uncountable Nouns in Writing Descriptive Text of MTsN 13 Agam
<p>This research was due to the problems that were found in MTsN 13 AGAM. The first some of students did not know how to differentiate the countable and uncountable nouns. The second, some of students felt reluctant to write in English. The third, some of students had limited vocabulary. Furthermore, this research is aimed to find out how was the student’s ability on countable and uncountable nouns in writing descriptive text of MTsN 13 Agam. The researcher used quantitative research. The population in this research was MTsN 13 Agam. There were four classes for the ninth grade students in MTsN 13 Agam. the total population was 105 students from class nine of MTSN 13 Agam. The researcher used cluster random sampling in choosing the sample. The total sample of this study was 24 students. The instrument that use for this research was written test. The researcher gave the students 45 minutes time, and the researcher ordered the students to write a descriptive text. In conclusion, this research has provided valuable insights into the students' ability in using countable and uncountable nouns in writing descriptive texts. The findings showed that the students have a relatively good proficiency in this aspect. Based on the data above, it can be concluded that the majority of the students have good to excellent ability in using countable nouns where 23 students can use at least 3 countable nouns in their writing and only one of them that cannot use any countable noun. However, the same cannot be said for uncountable nouns as there are more students who scored poorly in this area where the total of 13 students got the score between 0-40 which categorized as poor. This could be due to various reasons such as lack of exposure to English as a language, limited.</p>Lia ArdilaLoli SafitriGenta SaktiWidya Syafitri
Copyright (c) 2024 Education Achievement: Journal of Science and Research