Development Literacy Module Media In Indonesian Language To Improve Reading Skills Of Grade Ii Elementary School Students


  • Mega Dewi Sukmawati Hasyim, Fitriyani Universitas Pelita Bangsa, Indonesia



Module, Literacy, Reading Skill


Reading and writing are early literacy that was first recognized in human life. The reading difficulties experienced by some students make students have minimal reading literacy skills. This can affect students' ability in writing skills, because a lack of reading makes students minimal information and minimal vocabulary. Therefore, teachers must be smart in managing learning that takes place in class. The literacy literacy module is a book which contains elements of reading and practice questions. With the practice questions associated in order to train students, after reading the module. In this study, researchers used a design design and development research approach(Research and Development atau RnD). Researchers focused on grade 2 students, using 27 students. Data collection using a questionnaire, analyzed with qualitative descriptive data and quantitative data. Based on the results of product feasibility reached an average of 85.25%. From the practicality test results by teachers and students in the average module, it is 94.2%. Based on the results of the effectiveness test, the average was 81.4% while the students' reading skills test averaged 87.96%. So that the development of the Media Literacy Module produces products that are very valid, effective and practical to use in the learning process on Indonesian content for poetry material as well as expressions of apology and help for class II SD Negeri Mekar Mukti 01.





