Internalisasi Nilai-Nilai Multikultural Dalam Pembelajaran Akidah Akhlak Di Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 1 Langkat


  • Irfansyah, Muhizar Muchtar, Ahmad Fuadi STAI Jam’iyah Mahmudiyah Tanjung Pura



Internalization, Multicultural Values, Akidah Akhlak


MTs N 1 Langkat is one of the Madrasahs located in Tanjung Pura District. Students who study at MTs N 1 Langkat come from a variety of backgrounds, both in terms of language, ethnicity, culture, social status, educational background, and descent. This is considered necessary for the cultivation of multicultural values in learning akidah akhlak at MTs N 1 Langkat because it refers to the vision and mission of the madrasa, one of which is as an individual and social being oriented to the pleasure of God and able to apply it in everyday life. In this study, researchers used a qualitative approach and case study research type. The techniques used to collect data are: interviews, observation, and documentation. The learning process of Akidah Akhlak learning in internalizing multicultural values begins with teacher planning in formulating the objectives to be conveyed in the learning process until the end of learning. The stages of internalization of multicultural education values in Akidah Akhlak learning at MTs N 1 Langkat First, the transformation stage of multicultural education values of students at MTs N 1 Langkat which is the initial stage in the form of an explanation of the values of multicultural education that are important for life that has cultural and religious diversity. Second, the value transaction stage which is the second stage with direct interaction with students who are gathered in the field during rows. Third, the transinternalization stage is the final stage of internalizing multicultural education values. Not only physical interaction but inner interaction and personality and mental attitudes that contain the value of tolerance, the value of unity, the value of sameness / equality, and the value of kinship or brotherhood. The supporting factor of the internalization of multicultural values in the learning of moral creed is the process of cooperation between the principal, the teaching staff of MTs N 1 Langkat and students who can respond well. While the inhibiting factor of the internalization is the lack of knowledge of students related to the meaning of multicultural so that many deviations made by students and also inadequate infrastructure in the learning process takes place.





