Mediation : Journal of Law <p><strong>Mediation : Journal Of Law</strong> adalah jurnal ilmiah tentang disiplin hukum yang diterbitkan oleh Pusdikra Publishing (CV. Pusdikra Mitra Jaya). Jurnal ini bertujuan untuk mempublikasikan hasil penelitian di bidang hukum. Ruang lingkup Ilmu meliputi Hukum Tata Negara, Hukum Internasional, Hukum Pidana, Hukum Bisnis, Hukum Perburuhan dan Perselisihan Hubungan Industrial, Hukum Cyber, Hukum Islam dan Hak Kekayaan Intelektual dan kajian ilmiah lainnya sesuai dengan ruang lingkup bidang penelitian hukum.</p> Pusdikra Publishing en-US Mediation : Journal of Law 2829-2030 Analisis Yuridis Terhadap Praktik Kerjasama Usaha Online Shop di Kelurahan Sukaraja Kecamatan Medan Maimun Kota Medan <p>In the current era of globalization, the continuous development of information and communication technology has resulted in many changes in various sectors. Ease of access to information for various communities has changed the way they interact indirectly. Starting from communication to business transactions and work can be done efficiently without being constrained by distance. The advantage of doing business via the internet lies in the ability to expand marketing reach. In offline businesses, they are usually limited to certain areas in terms of marketing products or services. However, with the help of internet media, anyone can reach a wider global market. is an online shop company in Sukaraja Village, Medan Maimun District, Medan City. Initially, this company focused on advertising promotions for fashion products and providing digital marketing services, relying on the marketing capabilities of the business owner. As time goes by, the company expands its business by purchasing products from suppliers on an ongoing basis. Then, the company formed a team and founded as a step in developing this business. Finally, invited the marketing team to collaborate with the investment system, and the cooperation agreement was regulated in a written agreement document. There are situations where capital owners should not be directly involved in running the company's operations. In practice, there is involvement of capital owners in business operational activities, even though it is not in accordance with the initial agreement in the cooperation agreement. The management is required to follow all instructions given by the investor, even though these are not included in the official agreement. If the manager does not comply with these instructions, the investor has the right to terminate the collaboration without approval. Collaboration between the onlineshop business and the owner experienced problems, especially regarding unilateral changes to the contract and unilateral actions on the part of the investor so that the owner of the capital took an action which could be said to violate the agreement to maintain the stability of the company. The main objective of this research is to analyze elements of sharia economic law related to the implementation of syirkah contracts in the online business. This research method uses qualitative research, trying to understand the research object according to the facts in the field without engineering/manipulating the data. The author wants to see how the syirkah contract is applied to the online shop and evaluate its conformity with sharia principles using a combination of Sharia Economic Law and Positive Law.</p> Maya Agustina Nilasari Siagian Andri Nurwandi Copyright (c) 2024 Mediation : Journal of Law 2024-05-27 2024-05-27 1 11 10.51178/mjol.v3i2.1853 Analisis Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 2 Tahun 2014 Dan Fatwa Dusun MUI 2016 Terhadap Pelayanan Hotel Berbasis Syari’ah Di Kabupaten Asahan <p>It cannot be denied that the hotel industry in Indonesia is very worrying. Civil Service Police officers and the Republic of Indonesia Police often carry out raids on hotel guests who are not married couples, some who are drunk, and so on. This event is often covered by the media. However, because there are non-violent initiatives and light punishments such as administrative action and summoning parents, violators no longer feel discouraged. The authors believe that conducting research is relevant and necessary considering the issues mentioned above. Therefore, the author participated in research entitled Analysis of government Regulation Number 2 Of 2014 And Fatwa village MUI 2016 On Sharia-Based Hotel Services In Asahan District. Because the authors believe that more research is needed and is crucial regarding sharia-compliant hotel companies. Determining whether companies labeled as sharia, especially those operating in the hotel industry, truly apply sharia principles or are just symbols used to attract customers and boost profits is one of the main objectives of this research. Apart from that, the aim of this research is to find out the requirements contained in the Fatwa of the National Sharia Council-Indonesian Ulema Council No. 108/DSN-MUI/X/2016 concerning Guidelines for Organizing Tourism Based on Sharia Principles, as well as sharia aspects of sharia hotels which can be realized in the form of goods, services and management.</p> Syahrul Nasution Andri Nurwandri Inda Lestari Copyright (c) 2024 Mediation : Journal of Law 2024-05-27 2024-05-27 12 22 10.51178/mjol.v3i2.1854 Perjanjian Internasional <p>Perjanjian Internasional tentang Pertanian dan Kehutanan Berkelanjutan (IASAF) ini bertujuan untuk mempromosikan praktik berkelanjutan dalam pertanian dan kehutanan, melestarikan sumber daya alam, dan melindungi lingkungan. Perjanjian ini bertujuan untuk mencapai tujuan ini melalui pembentukan kerangka kerja global untuk praktik pertanian dan kehutanan berkelanjutan, promosi penelitian dan pengembangan, dan berbagi praktik terbaik.Tujuan dari perjanjian ini adalah untuk mempromosikan praktik pertanian dan kehutanan berkelanjutan yang menjamin konservasi sumber daya alam jangka panjang, perlindungan lingkungan, dan pembangunan berkelanjutan. Perjanjian ini berlaku untuk semua negara anggota yang telah meratifikasinya.Praktik pertanian dan kehutanan berkelanjutan mengacu pada praktik yang mempertahankan atau meningkatkan produktivitas lahan pertanian dan hutan sambil meminimalkan kerusakan lingkungan.Menetapkan kebijakan dan program untuk mempromosikan praktik pertanian dan kehutanan berkelanjutan.Memberikan dukungan finansial untuk penelitian dan pengembangan di bidang pertanian dan kehutanan berkelanjutan.Berbagi praktik terbaik dalam pertanian dan kehutanan berkelanjutan dengan negara anggota lainnya,Perjanjian tersebut akan dipantau dan dievaluasi melalui laporan berkala yang diserahkan oleh negara-negara anggota, serta melalui penilaian bersama yang dilakukan oleh para pihak.</p> Tiwi Agustiani Kartika Putri Alya Amanda Salsabilah Nazwa Samsul Azhari Damanik Copyright (c) 2024 Mediation : Journal of Law 2024-07-15 2024-07-15 23 38 10.51178/mjol.v3i2.2001 Hukum Laut di Indonesia <p>Indonesian, as an archipelagic country with a large maritime area, has significant maritime legal interests in its national legal system. Despite its importance, Indonesia's maritime law is still fragmented and lacks a comprehensive and coherent framework. The study aims to analyze and review existing maritime laws and regulations in Indonesia, identify gaps and inconsistencies, and propose a new framework for Indonesian maritime law. This study uses a qualitative research approach, analyzing primary and secondary legal sources, as well as conducting interviews with experts in the field. The results of the study show that Indonesia's maritime law is filled with inconsistencies and lack of clarity, leading to confusion and uncertainty among stakeholders. The study proposes a new framework that integrates existing laws and regulations, provides clear definitions and procedures, and ensures the effective management of Indonesia's vast maritime territory</p> Fran Ardifka Fathur Rahman Rori Chandra Zaqy Pakpahan Muhammad Idrus Samsir Alam Copyright (c) 2024 Mediation : Journal of Law 2024-07-15 2024-07-15 39 43 10.51178/mjol.v3i2.1997 Tanggung Jawab Negara Dalam Pemenuhan Hak Atas Pendidikan Menurut Undang-Undang 1945 <table width="567"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="454"> <p>Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 dan merupakan salah satu aspek penting dalam pengembangan manusia dan masyarakat. Berdasarkan Pasal 31 ayat (1) Undang-Undang Dasar 1945, "Pemerintah berhak memberikan pendidikan". Oleh karena itu, tanggung jawab negara dalam pemenuhan hak atas pendidikan meliputi wajib belajar, pemberian bantuan bahasa pendidikan, dan pengembangan sistem pendidikan. Tanggung jawab negara dalam pemenuhan hak atas pendidikan yang diatur dalam Pasal 31 ayat (1) Undang- Undang Dasar 1945 yang menyatakan bahwa "Pemerintah berhak memberikan pendidikan". Dalam menjalankan tanggung jawab ini, pemerintah harus memenuhi hak warga negara untuk memperoleh pendidikan yang layak. -tama, tanggung jawab negara dalam wajib belajar. Menurut Pasal 30 ayat (1) Undang-Undang Dasar 1945, ""Wajib belajar"" yang dimaksudDinyatakan bahwa warga negara berhak memperoleh pendidikan dasar dan perguruan tinggi. Pemerintah harus menjamin kesempatan bagi warga negara untuk memperoleh pendidikan dasar dan perguruan tinggi. Kedua, tanggung jawab jawab negara dalam memberikan bantuan pendidikan. Ketiga, tanggung jawab negara dalam pengembangan sistem pendidikan. Pemerintah mesti mengembangkan sistem pendidikan yang efektif dan efisien untuk memenuhi hak warga negara atas pendidikan. Sistem pendidikan tersebut harus memperhatikan kebutuhan dan potensi masyarakat.Dengan demikian, tanggung jawab negara dalam pemenuhan hak atas pendidikan sangat penting untuk mengembangkan manusia dan masyarakat yang mandiri dan berkualitas.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> Maya Selviana Ikhsan Rahim Syahputra Alfi Mawaddah Muhammad Rafly Fachri Sahri Ramadhan Copyright (c) 2024 Mediation : Journal of Law 2024-07-22 2024-07-22 44 51 10.51178/mjol.v3i2.2004