Journal Of Education And Teaching Learning (JETL) <p>Journal of Education and Teaching Learning (JETL)' mengundang para Dosen, sarjana, peneliti, dan mahasiswa untuk menyumbangkan hasil studi dan penelitiannya di bidang yang berkaitan dengan Pendidikan, yang meliputi studi tekstual dan lapangan dengan berbagai perspektif, Manajemen Pendidikan, Kebijakan Pendidikan, Teknologi Pendidikan, Psikologi Pendidikan, Pengembangan Kurikulum dan Strategi Pembelajaran serta hasil-hasil penelitian kontemporer dalam bidang Pendidikan.</p> CV. Pusdikra Mitra Jaya en-US Journal Of Education And Teaching Learning (JETL) 2828-1020 Development of Learning Devices Using the Scientific Inquiry Learning Model Based on Malay Culture to Increase Student Self Efficacy <p>The goal to be achieved is the increase in student self-efficacy through the development of learning tools using a scientific inquiry learning model based on Malay culture. This research is categorized into types of development research. The developed device uses a 4-D model. This research was conducted in the Mining Technology Study Program at the Ketapang State Polytechnic, class 1-B, with 28 students. According to the results of expert validation, the learning tools that have been developed in this research are of good quality and meet valid criteria by the validator, so they are suitable for use as learning tools. Implementation of learning tools in the practical category (very good). More than 80% of student responses were positive towards learning. The average student self-efficacy questionnaire results showed an increase from pretest to posttest in Trial II, with the pretest score being 83.43 and the posttest score reaching 119.32, out of a maximum score of 140. Based on these results, it can be concluded that student self-efficacy improved after implementing the learning devices using the scientific inquiry model based on Malay culture, as evidenced by the increase in scores from the pre-test to the post-test in Trial II.</p> Saima Putrini R Harahap Nely Kurnila Copyright (c) 2025 Saima Putrini R Harahap, Nely Kurnila 2025-02-16 2025-02-16 7 1 1 14 10.51178/jetl.v7i1.2304 The Impact of Hybrid Learning Media: Laskar Pelangi Film in Cultivating Patriotism and Identity <p>Patriotic attitudes are attitudes that must be instilled in every Indonesian citizen. This research aims to describes the influence of film media on patriotic attitudes as identity formation in students after the Covid-19 pandemic. This study uses a quantitative approach using a descriptive research method. The primary data source is students of German Language Education, Yogyakarta State University. The data collection technique used is a questionnaire regarding the influence of the Laskar Pelangi Film media on the attitude of patriotism as a student's self-identity which is given through a google form. Data analysis used in this study is an independent sample t-test with the help of SPSS 22.0. The results of the independent sample t-test analysis show a sig. value (2-tailed) of 0.030 &lt;? 0.05, so Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. There is a significant difference in the patriotic attitudes of students before and after using the Laskar Pelangi Film media as identity formation in the Pancasila Education course.</p> Akbar Farid Tri Indrayati Septi Rotari Copyright (c) 2025 Akbar Farid, Tri Indrayati, Septi Rotari 2025-02-26 2025-02-26 7 1 15 29 10.51178/jetl.v7i1.2279