of Educational Research and Humaniora (JERH)2025-01-14T03:43:53+00:00Muhammad Fuad Zainifuadzaini06@gmail.comOpen Journal Systems<p>Journal of Educational Research and Humaniora (JERH) mempublikasi artikel yang berfokus kepada penelitian-penelitian pendidikan dan humaniora, fokus kajian jurnal sebagai berikut :<br />1. Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran<br />2. Pendidikan Sosial <br />3. Psikologi Pendidikan<br />4. Teknologi Pendidikan<br />5. Budaya Pendidikan<br />6. Pendidikan Ekonomi<br />7. Pendidikan Islam</p> Error Analysis on the Use Of Simple Past Tense in Writing Narrative Text of 11th Grade High School Students at SMK Swasta YPK Medan Academic Year 2022/20232024-09-08T14:18:46+00:00Azaniah Suhartiniazaniah88suhartini@gmail.comNurlaili<p>Simple past tense is an action or activity carried out by a subject in the past. Past tense refers to actions in the past and tells us all about their relationship with the present. The purpose of this research is to know types and causes of error on simple past tense. To know dominant error on the use of simple past tense in writing narrative text. To find out difficulties faced by students in comprehending simple past tense and narrative text. The researcher adopts a descriptive qualitative method. Carried out by gathering data from the natural environment without altering the situation. Data of this research is error made by students in written test of past tense. Data source is a writing test with the theme “My Holiday”. It consists of 55 words or more. Tests are distributed to 16 students of SMK SW YPK MEDAN. The researcher found 116 errors from writing test that the researcher carried out, it was found that the highest frequency of error that students made was mis formation about 78.45% errors, omission was 12.93% errors, selection was 5.17% errors, addition was 2.59% the last was mis ordering with 0.86%. the researcher also found that the highest error was caused by intralingual and the second highest was caused by interference.</p>2024-09-08T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Educational Research and Humaniora (JERH) Effect of Realia (Real Object) Media on Students’ Vocabulary Skill at MIS Hikmatul Salridho2024-12-03T14:41:54+00:00Nurul Annisa Sari<p>The objective of the research is to know whether the effect of use Realia Media on students vocabulary knowledge at the fourth grade of elementary at HikmatulSalridho. Based on the statement above, this research used experimental design of collecting data, the class that will be tested is divided into two classes, class A and class B, class A as control class and class B as Experimental class. The experimental group is the group that will be a measured of whether the test is successful or not using realia media, while the control group is considered without using realia media. Based on the statement beside, the researcher choose the population of class IV students at Hikmatul Salridho School. Where, the first class was students of class IV – A (as experimental groups) and IV – B (as control group) of the MIS Hikmatul Salridho School. After analyzing the results of the research, the researcher obtained data about the scores of the teaching and learning process using Realia Media. The researcher concluded that there was any significant effect of applying was proved by the results of the pre-test scores before giving the treatment. And it can be seen that the results of the statistical calculations above where the value of (to) is higher than (tt). The researcher also found there were some difficulties in students' vocabulary by applying Realia Media, especially in remember the vocabulary. The Realia Media are very interested to be implemented to improve vocabullary skills. The researcher found that there is always improvement in the learning. It’s mean that the implementation of Realia Media to improve students’ vocabulary skills can make students more actived, motivated, and interested. From the explanation above, it means that teaching learning process by using Realia Media can improve students’ ability in English vocabulary skill.</p>2024-12-03T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Educational Research and Humaniora (JERH) Francis Bacon Dalam Konteks Pendidikan Seni2024-11-29T04:00:17+00:00Mourent Aulia<p>Francis Bacon, as the father of the modern scientific method, emphasized the importance of experience, experimentation, and observation in the acquisition of knowledge. His empirical philosophy, outlined in <em>Novum Organum</em>, has significant relevance in the context of arts education. This study aims to explore how Bacon's principles particularly those related to experimentation, observation, and the elimination of biases can be applied in arts education to enrich the teaching and learning process. The research employs a qualitative approach with descriptive analysis of Bacon's works and literature related to arts education. The findings suggest that arts education based on direct experience and experimentation allows students to develop practical skills, as well as critical and innovative thinking. This approach encourages students to view art as a continuous process, where exploration and new discoveries are always possible, in line with Bacon's view that knowledge is an endless journey. Therefore, Bacon's philosophy provides a strong foundation for creating a more dynamic, open, and creativity-focused approach to arts education.</p>2024-12-03T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Educational Research and Humaniora (JERH) Memperkokoh Identitas Nasional Sebagai Pilar Negara2025-01-13T03:18:27+00:00Cindi Aulia Aliauliaalicindi@gmail.comEfrida Efridaauliaalicindi@gmail.comIca Khairunissaauliaalicindi@gmail.comNazwa Nadira Siregarauliaalicindi@gmail.comNova Afsariauliaalicindi@gmail.comRara Aulia<p>This research is motivated to find out the importance of strengthening national identity as a pillar of the country. The meaning of national identity itself is the identity or characteristics of a country that can distinguish it from other countries. The purpose of this study is to make readers aware that our country's national identity is very important. The method used in this study is a qualitative method with a technique of interviewing collaboration between the community and students. In conclusion, based on the results of observations from a viewpoint related to the Importance of Strengthening National Identity as a Pillar of the State, the public and students will understand that it is very important to know the national identity of our country. The community and students can apply it in education, family and in daily life.</p>2025-01-13T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Educational Research and Humaniora (JERH) Membumikan Pancasila di Era Saat ini dan yang Akan Datang2025-01-14T03:43:53+00:00Maymira Inory Harahaparyandapangestu@gmail.comNabila Hafidz Salwaaryandapangestu@gmail.comAryanda Pangestu Naingolanaryandapangestu@gmail.comNazwa Angelia Putriaryandapangestu@gmail.comMuhammad Daffa Almuzakiaryandapangestu@gmail.comPutri Radifah Supardiaryandapangestu@gmail.comTrianisa Ulan Dari Tanjungaryandapangestu@gmail.comMasrul<p>Pancasila sebagai dasar negara Republik Indonesia memiliki peran yang sangat penting dalam menjaga persatuan dan kesatuan bangsa. Namun, dalam era globalisasi dan perkembangan teknologi yang pesat, nilai-nilai Pancasila memilki dua sisi negatif dan positif karena dari sila pertama sampai sila akhir sudah di jelaskan tentang persatua indonesia, keadilan dan sangat amat di butuhkan pada saat era saat ini, karena pembelajaran pancasila sudah mulai menurun dan tidak di terapkan dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat. Jurnal ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji perubahan zaman di tengah masyarakat, serta tantangan dan strategi yang perlu diterapkan untuk menanamkan nilai nilai pancasila pada generasi yang akan dating.</p>2025-01-14T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Educational Research and Humaniora (JERH)